Promoting racism, division and hate...Critical Race Theory.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
And she has a brilliant mind, sharper than most people. Correctly dissects what's going on in a way that a college professor can appreciate and hillbillies like me can understand. You just can't figure out why there are black conservatives like her, Burgess Owens, Tim Scott, and others. The older ones can remember intact families with the father present. The younger ones can see what generations of Democratic policies have done to the Black community and the cities many of them live in.
When intact Black families with the father present was the NORM. The parents of my best friend were married 65 years before he died. All of her parents siblings were married many years as well.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Chung: Called 'not right minority' in NFL job hunt

"Former NFL offensive lineman and assistant coach Eugene Chung, who is Korean, says he was told he was "not the right minority" while interviewing for an NFL coaching job this offseason.

"It was said to me, 'Well, you're really not a minority,'" Chung said during a webinar Thursday, according to The Boston Globe, adding, "I was like, 'Wait a minute. The last time I checked, when I looked in the mirror and brushed my teeth, I was a minority.'"

According to Chung, after he asked the interviewer to explain, he was told he was "not the right minority that we're looking for."

Chung did not identify the team in question but said he was stunned to hear such a comment.

"I asked about it, and as soon as the backtracking started, I was like, 'Oh no, no, no, no, no, you said it. Now that it's out there, let's talk about it,'" Chung said, according to the Globe. "It was absolutely mind-blowing to me that, in 2021, something like that is actually a narrative."


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Candace is a hustler that figured out there’s a market for a black woman to parrot right wing talking points. She correctly found hillbillies will pay her good money so they can say, “See! A black woman agrees with me. I’m not racist!”
Not surprised.
Your fake life will not allow you to see someone with honest integrity and pure motives.
A hustler, a market, a black woman, parrot, talking points, hillbillies, pay, and racist, all in two sentences.
What a miserable life you live.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Candace is a hustler that figured out there’s a market for a black woman to parrot right wing talking points. She correctly found hillbillies will pay her good money so they can say, “See! A black woman agrees with me. I’m not racist!”
"Candace ain't black! Get back on the plantation with your Democratic massuhs and their hand-fed helpless blacks where you belong, Candace!"

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
"Candace ain't black! Get back on the plantation with your Democratic massuhs and their hand-fed helpless blacks where you belong, Candace!"
I’ve listened to 1 interview with her. She said she never thought about politics before 2017 or there about. She found a great hustle, she may even believe what’s she’s saying. I just don’t take her as a serious person.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I’ve listened to 1 interview with her. She said she never thought about politics before 2017 or there about. She found a great hustle, she may even believe what’s she’s saying. I just don’t take her as a serious person.
There are plenty of people who didn’t think about politics until recently. That doesn’t negate the truths they are speaking.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I’ve listened to 1 interview with her. She said she never thought about politics before 2017 or there about. She found a great hustle, she may even believe what’s she’s saying. I just don’t take her as a serious person.
She would have been only 27 years old four years ago. I don't think that's too late for someone to make a genuine career decision. Even if they're black! :-o


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
72 percent of black babies are now born out of wedlock.
Some disturbing facts: 48 percent of American children in single female households live in poverty as opposed to 11 percent in married families; 71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes; 75 percent of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes; and boys without fathers present are twice as likely to become gang members than boys in traditional situations. The root of poverty, crime, and despair in America is the collapse of the traditional family.

"You know why you all call each other broooother? Cause none of ya know who your Daddy is." -- The Longest Yard

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
The quality of black parenting is declining?
Where’d you get this information?
That’s not even close to what I said, but since you brought it up, yes, the quality of Black parenting is dropping drastically. The quality of White parenting is as well. All you have to do is see the videos of people fighting to see that.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Black conservatives are pretty common. Black republicans don’t make sense. The Republican Party is mostly white nationalists these days. It’d be nice if the country had an actual conservative party.
How do you know this exactly? Exactly now.

What is "an actual conservative party? And why would that be "nice".... to you( A Communist)? Really?

And why don't "Black republicans" make sense?

As a Communist/Socialist/Liberal Democrat....aren't you systematically eliminating/canceling conservative/Republicans? And support the elimination of all Jews and their right to exist? The Democrat party supports Hamas....