Promoting racism, division and hate...Critical Race Theory.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
So you think black people are too stupid to realize they are being held back by Democrats? They couldn’t possibly support Democrats by making an informed choice? Cool theory you’ve got there, it’s not racist at all.
Apparently so.....

Why else would they vote for the party of Jim Crow racists?

Why else would they vote 98% Democrat....? The party that voted against the civil rights act. Where every Democrat controlled city is a total economic minority disaster with the highest murder rates in America? Hell, not white Democrats but Hispanic and Black leadership....killing their own people. St. Louis, Chicago, L.A.

Man, this is going to be good....

Please explain.


Well-Known Member
Candace is a hustler that figured out there’s a market for a black woman to parrot right wing talking points. She correctly found hillbillies will pay her good money so they can say, “See! A black woman agrees with me. I’m not racist!”

ah another white liberal dictating appropriate black behaviour.


Well-Known Member
Black conservatives are pretty common. Black republicans don’t make sense.
how does sticking with a party that keeps you housed in ghetto's , dependent on government handouts and encourages you to visit abortion mills placed in your neighborhoods make sense.

did i mention the constant race baiting negativity that white liberals feed them for breakfast?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
The Left wing racists will denounce Tyrus's comments as "Right Wing Crap"..... Their quest for "Unity" and "Equality" MUST be on their terms or not at all! They'll NEVER be satisfied, because that's not what they really want....
You left out "equity"...... the word that "allows" them to take your stuff and give it to someone else......usually a minority...