Public perception

And you have to deal with that Customer and their friends and neighbors they told about “you” destroying their package forever.
No Christmas tip for you!
My customers know better I take care of them and they always take good care of me.

I had a customer bring me out an ice cream sandwich yesterday and I wasn't even delivering to her house

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Not a chance. In business, the number you constantly chase is revenue. Revenues allow a company to find profits. Profits are the result of a productive and efficient process. UPS is simply trying to secure the most cost efficient contract in order to extract profit from revenue.
I'm in the camp of the Teamsters and UPS may in bed together about the organizing Amazon. In my head, I see a quid pro quo that allows the Teamsters to hold the line against UPS and in turn the Teamsters commit to a full court press against Amazon. By allowing O'Brien to take the bully pulpit and securing a strong contract, it buys him and the Teamsters influence with Amazon employees. In organizing Amazon, UPS and the Teamsters win. Pipe dream, but in my mind it works.


Just a dog
Where are the FT and PT sups when preloaders do this. I blame management. They trained them.
Yes, management sucks, but some they train can still face hins in the right direction, lip load and block and brace. Some loaders can handle 4 cars even when the :censored2: PT supe cranks the belt speed up.
A good loader is worth their weight in gold to me. Maybe we need to separate them in 2 classifications
1. Not worth a :censored2:
2. Priceless
Pay accordingly.