with all of the technology i.e. telematics it should be very easy for the company to find out what the problem is. (IMO 3 day rides are nothing but a Scare Tactic as the information needed can be gleaned from a Virtual Observation)
Some drivers do better on 3 day lock ins due to the loads being manicured,heavy pick ups taken off and shifted to another driver and a tighter than normal delivery area
Actually, I believe management will always get you to do the route faster when they are with you for the simple fact that you will be less prone to shoot the breeze with your customers when you have a sup. whipping you like a race horse to get going and UPS knows this.
Let's face it, I chit-chat with my customers everyday. Its part of the job unless you're a rude jerk and when management is with me I don't chat as much and that is where they get their time savings.
Problem is, a route can't be run like that everyday in the real world. We are not robots and human conversation is a cost of doing business for UPS whether they like it or not.
They can waste all their time and resources with 3-day rides as much as they want. But, that's all it is: a waste of time and resources because nobody ever gets fired and the driver always goes back to his prior numbers and nothing is ever done about it.
It amazes me that these supervisors have nothing better to do for 3 days than to baby-sit a grown man while he does his job. Those 3 days should be spent fixing the routes instead of baby-sitting. This is where money could really be saved. FIX THE ROUTES AND THE PRELOAD.