Thanks for the comments. It was not an easy decision. It is still a great company, but the recent changes really put everything into perspective.
I was a 2-unit manager, had been for several years. I relocated for the company, traveled, special assignment, etc. The recent changes in the staff functions really curbed any chance I had at moving up or moving out of the area I lived in. The MIP changes while good for the company really set quite a few people off - including myself.
Somewhere in the last 6 months it stopped being a career and turned into a job - if that makes any sense. Loyalty is now a one-way street. It may have been all along and I just did not see it.
I took a job that pays as well and I will be living in a much better area.
Should people be discouraged from going into management? No. I would not have the position I have now without the experience I gained at UPS.
I just did not see a future worth pursuing at UPS. I could have stayed another 20 years, retired at 55 and probably lived quite well, but at what cost to myself? I needed something that UPS was no longer able to provide. Competition drives companies to do strange things in the name of the greater good. I think many people in Atlanta have no idea what the undercurrent of the company looks like now - management and non-management. I still have many UPS friends who applauded my decision. I am sure I will not be the last one.
Watch the next few years. In my opinion dark clouds are on the horizon especially in the domestic market.
I salute all of you and will always have brown blood flowing through my veins.