Quadruple time 9.5 penalty isn’t enough to deter the company. How much would it take?


Got the T-Shirt


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Your center giving out attendance discipline for the standard yearly plague that sweeps through in February? Firing drivers here for not showing up for work, because we're understaffed. The logic is simply amazing.

Also, unless you're sick and have a Dr's note (or the days), COME TO WORK.
What a complete waste of resources. You should never go to the doctors if it is something that will work it's way out of your system in one to two days.


Well-Known Member
Was a 9.5 driver my last few years in package. Never even understood or cared to understand how the penalty pay was calculated. It wasn’t about the money, it was about not being buried daily. All I know is I got a check every week for about two months $175-$200 and after that I was never violated again. Is it quadruple pay?


Well-Known Member
Was a 9.5 driver my last few years in package. Never even understood or cared to understand how the penalty pay was calculated. It wasn’t about the money, it was about not being buried daily. All I know is I got a check every week for about two months $175-$200 and after that I was never violated again. Is it quadruple pay?
Yes, eventually.

“If a driver is paid a penalty under this subsection more than four (4) times in a calendar year a meeting shall be scheduled with the Dis- trict Labor Manager, Business Agent and the Co-Chairs, or their chosen designee of the applicable Supplemental panel within for- ty-five (45) days of the filing to determine what actions are neces- sary to ensure compliance.

Article 37
If a grievance under this provision (or a grievance under any exces- sive overtime provision of a Supplement, Rider or Addendum) can- not be resolved at the local level, including Supplemental Panels, where applicable, the Union may docket the grievance to be heard by the "9.5 Committee." This Committee shall be composed of two (2) Union and two (2) Employer representatives. The 9.5 Commit- tee shall have the authority to direct the Employer to adjust the driver's work schedule. Deadlocked cases shall be referred to the Employer's Vice President of Labor Relations and the Co-Chair of the Teamsters United Parcel Service Negotiating Committee for fi- nal and binding resolution.
The Employer's Vice President and the Union's Co-Chair shall have the discretion to grant the grievant triple time pay for hours worked in excess of nine and one half (9.5) hours per day and/or to order the Employer to adjust the driver's work schedule. After the forty-five (45) day Supplemental Co-Chair meeting, if there are continued violations the Co-Chairs shall have the discretion to grant quadruple time penalties as outlined in this section. In the event the Employer's Vice President and the Union's Co-Chair can- not resolve a grievance, either party may refer the matter to arbitra- tion in accordance with Article 8. In the event the position of the Union is sustained, the arbitrator shall have the authority to impose any remedy set forth in this Section.”


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Yes, eventually.

“If a driver is paid a penalty under this subsection more than four (4) times in a calendar year a meeting shall be scheduled with the Dis- trict Labor Manager, Business Agent and the Co-Chairs, or their chosen designee of the applicable Supplemental panel within for- ty-five (45) days of the filing to determine what actions are neces- sary to ensure compliance.

Article 37
If a grievance under this provision (or a grievance under any exces- sive overtime provision of a Supplement, Rider or Addendum) can- not be resolved at the local level, including Supplemental Panels, where applicable, the Union may docket the grievance to be heard by the "9.5 Committee." This Committee shall be composed of two (2) Union and two (2) Employer representatives. The 9.5 Commit- tee shall have the authority to direct the Employer to adjust the driver's work schedule. Deadlocked cases shall be referred to the Employer's Vice President of Labor Relations and the Co-Chair of the Teamsters United Parcel Service Negotiating Committee for fi- nal and binding resolution.
The Employer's Vice President and the Union's Co-Chair shall have the discretion to grant the grievant triple time pay for hours worked in excess of nine and one half (9.5) hours per day and/or to order the Employer to adjust the driver's work schedule. After the forty-five (45) day Supplemental Co-Chair meeting, if there are continued violations the Co-Chairs shall have the discretion to grant quadruple time penalties as outlined in this section. In the event the Employer's Vice President and the Union's Co-Chair can- not resolve a grievance, either party may refer the matter to arbitra- tion in accordance with Article 8. In the event the position of the Union is sustained, the arbitrator shall have the authority to impose any remedy set forth in this Section.”

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
We are getting destroyed and that is with a nice batch of drivers coming on board at the beginning of the year. Post Office was delivering a ton of that service. Company knows amazon volume is going away. Suck it up fellas it’s going to be a wild ride until next year!
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Well-Known Member
We are getting destroyed and that is with a nice batch of drivers coming on board at the beginning of the year. Post Office was delivering a ton of that service. Company knows amazon volume is going away. Suck it up fellas it’s going to be a wild ride until next year!
Yep, I keep hearing about how this Amazon volumes going away and there’s more of it every day. What are they waiting for?

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Seems to be different circumstances everywhere, so typical UPS. Roughly the bottom 10% of my centers driver's have been laid off for over a month while at the same time our paid days are through the roof. Directive from corporate is ridiculous stops per car numbers. It's one thing when it's heavy and the drivers don't exist, but to lay off a bunch while paying tons of 9.5 grievances is a new one. My center manager says this is the new normal but I don't know how long we can do 10-11+ hour days every day without drivers burning out.


Good thing I wore my brown pants
A fair days work is under 9.5
As there is language that pays us beyond our fair days wage. We are required only ro provide a fair days work for fair days pay.

Can we grieve that specific clause?
One could argue that it is a breech of contract, as there have a payroll schedule for over 9.5 to include a panel to discuss receiving additional penalty pays.
That is not fair work.

Experienced ones, has that ever been the approach to a grievance? The fair days work for fair days pay?


Never bought my own handtruck
A fair days work is under 9.5
As there is language that pays us beyond our fair days wage. We are required only ro provide a fair days work for fair days pay.

Can we grieve that specific clause?
One could argue that it is a breech of contract, as there have a payroll schedule for over 9.5 to include a panel to discuss receiving additional penalty pays.
That is not fair work.

Experienced ones, has that ever been the approach to a grievance? The fair days work for fair days pay?
Yes, eventually.

“If a driver is paid a penalty under this subsection more than four (4) times in a calendar year a meeting shall be scheduled with the Dis- trict Labor Manager, Business Agent and the Co-Chairs, or their chosen designee of the applicable Supplemental panel within for- ty-five (45) days of the filing to determine what actions are neces- sary to ensure compliance.

Article 37
If a grievance under this provision (or a grievance under any exces- sive overtime provision of a Supplement, Rider or Addendum) can- not be resolved at the local level, including Supplemental Panels, where applicable, the Union may docket the grievance to be heard by the "9.5 Committee." This Committee shall be composed of two (2) Union and two (2) Employer representatives. The 9.5 Commit- tee shall have the authority to direct the Employer to adjust the driver's work schedule. Deadlocked cases shall be referred to the Employer's Vice President of Labor Relations and the Co-Chair of the Teamsters United Parcel Service Negotiating Committee for fi- nal and binding resolution.
The Employer's Vice President and the Union's Co-Chair shall have the discretion to grant the grievant triple time pay for hours worked in excess of nine and one half (9.5) hours per day and/or to order the Employer to adjust the driver's work schedule. After the forty-five (45) day Supplemental Co-Chair meeting, if there are continued violations the Co-Chairs shall have the discretion to grant quadruple time penalties as outlined in this section. In the event the Employer's Vice President and the Union's Co-Chair can- not resolve a grievance, either party may refer the matter to arbitra- tion in accordance with Article 8. In the event the position of the Union is sustained, the arbitrator shall have the authority to impose any remedy set forth in this Section.”

Suck it.