Lol my center manager would kill for those over allowed numbers. The best anyone has ever done on my route is 1.30
I'm usually 2 hours in the hole.
We have three guys who bonus every single day. Usually two or more hours. One of them is a runner gunner who never stops sprinting, works through his lunch and break, and is 2/3rds resis with a few PU he can finish by 2:30. He has one later pickup, a prehit, which he simply never does.
The other two guys are on routes that every cover driver also bonuses on.
Nobody else ever bonuses. Most guys are an hour over. Depending on the amount of bulk and furniture that all mysteriously weighs 69 pounds, and how often I
don't have to use my hand cart if I'm quick and the packages are light I can scratch my own route. Most of the time I'm 150 over.
I missed two months earlier this year by almost dying. Was in the hospital. They had four different cover guys running my route. They were to typically 400 over. The ORS started going out with them over and over because they couldn't figure out why these guys were all so over and needing business help every single day.
The ORS had them cut businesses and ten pickups.
When I got back I was clocking out at 4:30 every day. It was so freaking nice. Since then they've pushed my dispatch back up to me running 9.25 hours a day. They claim it's not even an 8 hour plan.
I'm taking two weeks of vacation in September. All my PU customers are dreading it since it means they will be staying half an hour after they close or more waiting for the cover guy.