Qualified “30 days”

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
One of seven recruits doesn't speak well to the organization. True, the job is not for everyone, but people are only as good as the training. The training (for me) was lousy.
Nope you were lousy at the job.
That is why you didn't qualify.
During your 30 days they can DQ you for any reason.
You don't get nor do you deserve an explanation


Well-Known Member
Lol my center manager would kill for those over allowed numbers. The best anyone has ever done on my route is 1.30

I'm usually 2 hours in the hole.

We have three guys who bonus every single day. Usually two or more hours. One of them is a runner gunner who never stops sprinting, works through his lunch and break, and is 2/3rds resis with a few PU he can finish by 2:30. He has one later pickup, a prehit, which he simply never does.

The other two guys are on routes that every cover driver also bonuses on.

Nobody else ever bonuses. Most guys are an hour over. Depending on the amount of bulk and furniture that all mysteriously weighs 69 pounds, and how often I don't have to use my hand cart if I'm quick and the packages are light I can scratch my own route. Most of the time I'm 150 over.

I missed two months earlier this year by almost dying. Was in the hospital. They had four different cover guys running my route. They were to typically 400 over. The ORS started going out with them over and over because they couldn't figure out why these guys were all so over and needing business help every single day.

The ORS had them cut businesses and ten pickups.

When I got back I was clocking out at 4:30 every day. It was so freaking nice. Since then they've pushed my dispatch back up to me running 9.25 hours a day. They claim it's not even an 8 hour plan.

I'm taking two weeks of vacation in September. All my PU customers are dreading it since it means they will be staying half an hour after they close or more waiting for the cover guy.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Hope u have a good vacation... what were u hospitalized for?

So u did it your way with area knowledge or following OrioN?


Well-Known Member
Hope u have a good vacation... what were u hospitalized for?

So u did it your way with area knowledge or following OrioN?

I think the reason I can do my route so much faster is because Orion is so bad on my route. Countless one way streets, streets blocked by train station, by overpasses, the delivery points are not the addresses, my trace is a nightmare and I can't get the scheduler to fix it because he don't care, only a fool tries to deliver both sides of these streets at once, etc etc.

I waste so much time every day figuring out my route in my head. Give me back rdo ffs.

I use alleys, I run my air with my brain I get off the important stops, the bulk, and I know where I'm going. I know what I can save to do with my pickups.

The reason cover guys so much slower is because they have no choice but to follow Orion.


Well-Known Member

Do you get paid extra for this?

My mngmt team vaguely threatens to begin harassing anyone who actually runs Orion. For the guys who press it they threaten warning letters.

Besides I know my route I could run it asleep. And I like my customers, and I like my wife and kids as well. Nobody runs Orion here. But everyone's edd is in Orion.

If I want overtime I'll get overtime.


I think the reason I can do my route so much faster is because Orion is so bad on my route. Countless one way streets, streets blocked by train station, by overpasses, the delivery points are not the addresses, my trace is a nightmare and I can't get the scheduler to fix it because he don't care, only a fool tries to deliver both sides of these streets at once, etc etc.

I waste so much time every day figuring out my route in my head. Give me back rdo ffs.

I use alleys, I run my air with my brain I get off the important stops, the bulk, and I know where I'm going. I know what I can save to do with my pickups.

The reason cover guys so much slower is because they have no choice but to follow Orion.

I'm done with Orion on the route I'm covering. Pure idiocy. Trace is busted, sequence numbers make little sense. Left me loathing the job this past Friday. Didn't punch out til 10p. Last stop was 6 miles off-area. Was schlepping a misloaded truck tire about one of those large minimalist loft apartments that have been taking over the city, knowing full well it was going to be NI1. Place is ringed with bar and restaurant patios. People were astonished, "Can you believe UPS has him out delivering this late?!"

I'm on the route again this week. Was dreading it enough to print out a map earlier today (the center's printers haven't been working, of course) and spend an hour of my own time devising a sensible plan. I know that's scabbing. While I couldn't care less about the handful of late savers and missed businesses I had last Friday (I warned the center, twice, well in advance of the commits) I don't want to quit this job out of frustration or worse -- make an irreversible mistake on area -- when an hour suffices to restore order to the unnecessary dispatching chaos. If the dispatching made any sense, I would've finished the route on my own by 8 at the latest.

What's a newly-minted cover driver to do? It would be great -- and hilarious! -- if we could organize a widespread rank and file initiative to run ODO trace 100 percent, but I'm not holding my breath. Here's the thing. We're not dumb truck drivers, even if it's in the company's interests to believe we are. It takes a lot more than brawn and basic driving skills to run a route well. A person needs good training, area knowledge, outstanding alertness/attention, excellent driving skills, and good judgment. And all this under stressful, fluctuating conditions.
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