Well-Known Member
Let's face it.... even with a grievance procedure.... a panel system ( in most area's ) it's a lower threshold of proof the company has to offer. It's not like a court of law where they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
So why would you want to give them any more ammunition ?
That is the problem with the panel system we have now. I would hope that you would agree that a discharge is equivalent to the "death penalty" of workplace penalties. As such, I think it should be afforded the same "beyond a reasonable doubt" test of proof before a person's career is taken from them for some B.S. reason that UPS has dreamed up.
I think one of the problems is that officials that sit on the committees haven't actually worked in so long that they lose touch about all of the B.S. that goes on and they tend to believe the company reps that they identify more with. Members that come before the committees are working people not trained in how to screw people over.
I think the Union members of the committees need to be rotated often to help prevent this and replaced with those that haven't been away from their former workplaces for so long. Maybe we can win a few more (with back pay!) that way...