Racism rears its ugly head

And yet when a white man says it it's meant as a derogatory term towards blacks. I have never heard one white man use it in any context except when speaking about blacks. I've never heard whites referring to other whites or to Hispanics that way. And no matter how hard a black works or what success he achieves there are some whites that resent that and will always use that term in reference to him. It's certainly possible to be critical of some problems in black communities without being racist. But using that term is racist. Trying to say it only applies to certain blacks won't cut it when you know most blacks find it extremely offensive for a white person to say. I don't want blacks looking at me and assume racism because I'm a large white male. And I don't want to be offensive to them either. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is still the best way to treat people.
You and all your white privilege.