Random Christmas things



Those old huge bulbs? Have fun finding the one in the string that's burnt out.

You're thinking about the ones that got so hot they would take the skin off your fingers.

I'm going back further than that to the ones where the glass is blown into the shape of a figure and painted.


That’s Craptacular


golden ticket member
Right side of mantel (notice the stockings are hung "J", then B......not BJ)

Left side of mantel
Buffet and my finger (blur)
living room (lights of tree show to street)


nowhere special
He probably sucks at it....ever seen most guys try to gift wrap presents? Incidentally, does she keep his testicles in the ribbon drawer next to the scotch tape? lmao

You don't use the usual female tactic of "You wrap presents better than I can" to get the guy to wrap all of the presents? (eye flutters and butt wiggles optional)

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
You don't use the usual female tactic of "You wrap presents better than I can" to get the guy to wrap all of the presents? (eye flutters and butt wiggles optional)

That would be MY tactic. Lol. If a man wants to do something, who am I to stop him? He can knock himself out. If it isn't the way I like it, oh well. Life goes on.


That’s Craptacular
You don't use the usual female tactic of "You wrap presents better than I can" to get the guy to wrap all of the presents? (eye flutters and butt wiggles optional)
Lmao....i did use the I'm afraid of heights excuse to get him to clean the leaves out of the gutters last week.. Mind you I climb 30 feet of slides and belts at work everyday...lmao :oops:

I use giftbags whenever possible to avoid wrapping presents...I just don't have the patience for it.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Lmao....i did use the I'm afraid of heights excuse to get him to clean the leaves out of the gutters last week.. Mind you I climb 30 feet of slides and belts at work everyday...lmao :oops:

I use giftbags whenever possible to avoid wrapping presents...I just don't have the patience for it.

A girl's gotta do, what a girl's gotta do.


golden ticket member
I bought something last year and I'm using it and loving it again this year.

It's a giant magnet picture, the size of your dishwasher.
It just goes on and it's instant Christmas decoration in the kitchen. Mine is big wreath. It jt rolls up to store. Thy make them for all holidays throughout the year. I only got the Christmas one.

Here's a place that has them. I can't remember where I got mine, but it was one of those catalogs that come to the house all the time....like Current or Colorful Images.



golden ticket member
We're not suppose to turn on our Christmas lights 'til Thanksgiving night. My neighbor and I decided to turn on our lights on Wednesday night just to be rebellious. What'll they do to us ?

We have a neighbor that for sure will report us. I'm planning on using the senility defense.