Random Facts


Well-Known Member
Received a phone call.....person on the other end says.....Hi Mrs. -------. They put the accent on the wrong syllable, so I know they don't know me.

Person says....."I talked to you last summer and we discussed a home improvement project and you were so nice to me and said I should call you back.

My response is........."you lyin' sack of :censored2:, I live in a new house and would not be talking about any home improvement project to anyone. You're an S.O.B." and I hung up on them. At least he will have something to tell his s.o. at the dinner table.

Gosh, I feel good after a call like that!!! Invigorating!

What's wrong with "Thanks, but no thanks"? Your response speaks volumes about you as a person.


golden ticket member
What's wrong with "Thanks, but no thanks"? Your response speaks volumes about you as a person.
Yes it does....I hate.......repeat, I hate liars and sales calls. I HATE being disturbed in my home by idiots!!!
"Thanks" implies that I'm thankful they called......not hardly!! You lie to me so I will listen? Your telemarketing job deals with numbers.....the quicker you get off the phone, the quicker you get to your next victim. I did the guy a favor!!! And I enjoyed it !!


What's wrong with "Thanks, but no thanks"? Your response speaks volumes about you as a person.

Yes it does....I hate.......repeat, I hate liars and sales calls. I HATE being disturbed in my home by idiots!!!
"Thanks" implies that I'm thankful they called......not hardly!! You lie to me so I will listen? Your telemarketing job deals with numbers.....the quicker you get off the phone, the quicker you get to your next victim. I did the guy a favor!!! And I enjoyed it !!
You guys do know that if we were all on some sort of reality show, you two would eventually end up in the sack together, right?

LOL, just a little food for thought.;)


Well-Known Member
Yes it does....I hate.......repeat, I hate liars and sales calls. I HATE being disturbed in my home by idiots!!!
"Thanks" implies that I'm thankful they called......not hardly!! You lie to me so I will listen? Your telemarketing job deals with numbers.....the quicker you get off the phone, the quicker you get to your next victim. I did the guy a favor!!! And I enjoyed it !!

As I said----volumes.


I tried!



golden ticket member
Anxiously awaiting the ads for St. Patrick's Day corned beef & cabbage sales.......the '2 for' or the BOGO. Cabbage goes to 17 cents a pound or less. Yahoo ! Soon to be corned beef and cabbage time. :st_patrick:


Redpath buys sugar from Brazil @18cents a pound and refines it here in Toronto.
It takes 23 days to get here from there.3 days to unload and the ship is off to Hamilton
Ontario to load grain going to Africa.There they pick up fertilizer that goes back to Brazil.


golden ticket member
I watched the guy on the bike start to cross....he had the go ahead, but he crossed kitty-corner at a big intersection. Just because it's clear doesn't mean you can do it. I'm in a car and if I'm sharing the road, you have to follow the rules that I have to follow.

This stuff happens all the time and I don't like the bikers. They bike for their health and then do all sorts of dangerous stuff. Same with the joggers....they think they are invincible!