Random Facts



So we got a new pope.Francis the 1st had several names to choose from.
One was Ignatious the 1st,but thought he'd forever be known as Iggy pope.
All kidding aside,did you know that for every Mcdonalds in America,there
are 17 churches?


golden ticket member
We used to go to the Polish Club for fish & chips on Fridays during Lent when I was a kid........it was in the hall, not a church!!

So, you're still not dragging me into a church.

Basements of church is where the A.A. meetings are and they have to burn all kinds of candles to take away the cigarette smell. You don't want that 'casino smell' in the 6:00 am. Mass.

Most churches have halls with kitchens and therefore don't count as going to church.......maybe school cafeterias too.

serenity now

take away the helmet, the paddle, the kayak..................

replace them with a "Hello Kitty" float, and a cold brewski; now that could be Over


golden ticket member
Saying goodbye to our dentist of over 20 years......there is an open house to say goodbye and be introduced to the new guy that bought his practice.

We chose our dentist out of the yellow pages.....mostly by close location to our new CA. house in 1991. He's been great!!


golden ticket member
Do you think anyone really cares that you switched dentists?
Everyone but you!!! Buttercup!!

Maybe you are "cool" about 'over 20 year relationships' dropping out of your life....... It's a major change to some people and we like to hug these people who have taken care of us....ad wish them well......

Oh, here's your draw....there was free food!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Today finally brought relief from the constipation that I have been experiencing over the past 3 days. While my posts may not reflect this, I am no longer full of *****.

Is this really the kind of personal information the OP intended when he started this thread? Dentists, grocery clerks and constipation?


golden ticket member
Maybe you should contact the O.P. and quit trying to guess their intentions.

Colace Stool Softner works for that problem you mentioned.......but, I'll always think of you as being friend.o.s.!!


golden ticket member
My dog is being anesthetized and having a teeth cleaning, nail cauterizing and ear cleaning today. Doing the 'fasting' thing again. She gave up begging......went and laid down.

Finally, they can get some work done on her without being bit!!

These are facts and they are random.

serenity now

My dog is being anesthetized and having a teeth cleaning, nail cauterizing and ear cleaning today. Doing the 'fasting' thing again. She gave up begging......went and laid down.

Finally, they can get some work done on her without being bit!!

These are facts and they are random.



golden ticket member
Dog is fine..
Good teeth, no problems........
Nails are all short now and don't look like those abused dogs on Michigan SPCA show..
Ears are clean.....no trouble there either.

Vet said her body is a perfect representation for the breed!! (toy manchester terrier). That's a huge compliment considering she'll be 11 yrs. old and these dogs tend to get fat mostly because the owners "love them too much" with food.


Well-Known Member
Dog is fine..
Good teeth, no problems........
Nails are all short now and don't look like those abused dogs on Michigan SPCA show..
Ears are clean.....no trouble there either.

Vet said her body is a perfect representation for the breed!! (toy manchester terrier). That's a huge compliment considering she'll be 11 yrs. old and these dogs tend to get fat mostly because the owners "love them too much" with food.
I just looked them up. Pure Energy.
Toy Manchester Terriers and How They Play - YouTube


golden ticket member
That's what our puppy looked like and then at 6-8 weeks those ears stand up like "bat ears".......her radar!!
She still acts peppy and you'd never guess her age after seeing her.