Random Facts


golden ticket member
After 10 years in this community, they were checking e-mails. There are a lot of announcements via e-mail here.

An e-mail test was sent out. If you received the e-mail you were to do nothing.
However, if you didn't...............do I need to go on??

This is why no matter what is said to me, my answer is "I am in compliance." They are all idiots in power!!


golden ticket member
Why do I have to look at that toenail fungus picture. That's just disgusting !! I didn't do any search for fungus, so why is it displayed ? It's icky!


golden ticket member
National Cat Day 2013, October 29, Importance of National Cat Day.
Today is National Cat Day


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
TODAY IS BIG PAPI DAY HERE !!!!! At one point Boston had won 3 world series in a row !!!
1914 Boston Braves and 1915 and 1916 Red Sox !!


golden ticket member
I can't believe the call I got last night.
I forgot to place the phone near me, so I had to get out of the recliner, pause my movie and go answer it.

The caller ID read "Number not available". I'd already gotten up, so I said , "hello".
There was a recording on that said, "We can't come to the phone right now...etc.

Geez, That's the message that should be on MY phone !! I've never heard a call like that.


golden ticket member
I have two large clocks (mantel style) and they chime beautifully. They can be set so they don't chime from 11 pm to 6 am.

The chiming has become some of the normal sounds of the house.....like the furnace coming on or the dryer running.

When we did the Fall time change, I noticed that my chimes were silent. Someone flipped the button to the silent mode !! They are chiming again!!


nowhere special
I don't give a rat's turd about the thumbs program, but this is crazy....

Upstate thumbs down a post where I just wrote the word "Like"..... In lieu of having to use any program. So I can't like somebody's post ? How "Zimmerman" of him !!!!



More stupid things customers say Thumbs Down! UpstateNYUPSer 19-11-2013 - 05:33

Enjoy the solitaire !!


Amatuer Malthusian
Good news! The story is now that all the remaining members of Monty Python are reuniting for a stage show. Hope they haven't lost anything and that they come up with some new material.:happy-very:


golden ticket member
Sebellius was not in the top 5.

There is a thread on this in Current Events.
I know....I acknowledged it in the current events. I didn't know BEFORE I posted the story.

Nowhere did I say she was in the top 5.....Here's the list in alphabetical order. I said she was also in the running.

Here are the final ten contenders for TIME’s Person of the Year (listed alphabetically):
Bashar Assad, President of Syria
Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder
Ted Cruz, Texas Senator
Miley Cyrus, Singer
Pope Francis, Leader of the Catholic Church
Barack Obama, President of the United States
Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran
Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services
Edward Snowden, N.S.A. Leaker
Edith Windsor, Gay rights activist

Read more: TIME Person of the Year Finalists 2013 | TIME.com http://poy.time.com/2013/12/09/top-ten-finalists-for-person-of-the-year/#ixzz2nE0Kaw6i