Random Facts


Living close to a river we get these flying around in the late summer. It`s a Dobsons Fly. Wicked little buggers. As usual it`s the females that are the meanest.


golden ticket member
I watch Ice & Coco's TV show. I like them both........his change is that he grew up and he credits Coco with straightening him up. He has an adult son working in a classic car place in Hollywood.

For all the kids he steered wrong with his cop killing stuff, maybe he can make a difference now.

old levi's

blank space
I watch Ice & Coco's TV show. I like them both........his change is that he grew up and he credits Coco with straightening him up. He has an adult son working in a classic car place in Hollywood.

For all the kids he steered wrong with his cop killing stuff, maybe he can make a difference now.

Some wrongs can never be undone.


golden ticket member
And here I thought ABO meant Anyone But Obama!!

Today's useless fact - Who came up with the different blood types (e.g., A+, O-, etc.)?

Business of classifying blood into various groups or types was first described by Karl Landsteiner in 1901. More specifically, Landsteiner, an Austrian-born U.S. immunologist, discovered the "ABO" system, made up of four groups (A, B, AB, and O) into which all blood can be classified. Apparently it's the presence or absence of certain "antigens" in your blood that determines type.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Further research by Landsteiner and others lead to the discovery of 14 main types of blood group systems. Landsteiner also participated in the discovery of the Rhesus blood factors and the polio virus. Landsteiner was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930 for his work in discovering ABO blood types. Check out the links in our Blood Type category for more.


golden ticket member
That's a great feat, but in the real world, parallel parking has all but gone away. I haven't had to do it at all in CA.......and we've been here since '91.