Random Facts


I tried to tell the center manager that I saw a suspicious shipment of 100 i phones going to a gas station this morning.
I thought it was a bit weird,he had no time for me... oh well I tried....random fact....its apples problem now


Für Meno :)
Canadian Lentils

Lentil's come in a variety of sizes ranging from extra small to large. The most common found lentils on grocery store shelves are large green lentils and split red lentils. When we use the word split to describe a lentil it means that the seed coat around the lentil has been removed and the inner part of the lentil (known as the cotlyedon) has been split in half. Split lentils cook faster than whole lentils and are excellent for use in puree, as where whole lentils tend to work better in salads.

Why should I be eating Canadian lentils?
We are growing some of the world’s best lentils right here in Canada! Chalked full of the nutrients we need in every bite, Canadian lentils are a food that you can feel good about feeding to your family, to your friends, and to yourself! And even better, Canadian lentils are a nitrogen fixing crop, meaning they give back the environment by replacing nitrogen in the soil they are grown in.


golden ticket member
Alfred Hitchcock made an appearance in every one of his movies from 1939 on. His first cameo came in 1926's The Lodger, where he showed up twice, in a news room and in a crowd scene... The cameos eventually became a gag, and after moving to Hollywood in 1939, Hitchcock made a point to pop up in his films in one way or another - sometimes in a photo, once as an outline in a neon sign, but most often in person. "I'm very careful to show up in the first five minutes so as to let the people look at the rest of the movie without further distraction," he explained. Alert viewers can spot him walking out of a pet shop with two dogs (his own) in The Birds, winding a clock in an apartment in Rear Window, missing a bus in North by Northwest, and in a newspaper ad for a weight-reducing product (in both before and after shots) in Lifeboat.


Für Meno :)
Thank God you are a great representative of your country.......You are Canada to me!

If someone in a Home Depot store Offers you assistance and they don't work there, You may live in Canada.
If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, You may live in Canada.
If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation With someone who dialed a wrong number, You may live in Canada.
If you measure distance in hours, You may live in Canada.
If you know several people Who have hit a deer more than once, You may live in Canada.
If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C' In the same day and back again, You may live in Canada.
If you install security lights on your house and garage, But leave both unlocked, You may live in Canada.
If you carry jumper cables in your car And your wife knows how to use them, You may live in Canada.
If you design your kid's Halloween costume To fit over a snowsuit, You may live in Canada.
If the speed limit on the highway is 80 km -- You're going 95 and everybody is passing you, You may live in Canada.
If driving is better in the winter Because the potholes are filled with snow, You may live in Canada.
If you know all 4 seasons: Almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction, You may live in Canada.


Canadian Lentils

Lentil's come in a variety of sizes ranging from extra small to large. The most common found lentils on grocery store shelves are large green lentils and split red lentils. When we use the word split to describe a lentil it means that the seed coat around the lentil has been removed and the inner part of the lentil (known as the cotlyedon) has been split in half. Split lentils cook faster than whole lentils and are excellent for use in puree, as where whole lentils tend to work better in salads.

Why should I be eating Canadian lentils?
We are growing some of the world’s best lentils right here in Canada! Chalked full of the nutrients we need in every bite, Canadian lentils are a food that you can feel good about feeding to your family, to your friends, and to yourself! And even better, Canadian lentils are a nitrogen fixing crop, meaning they give back the environment by replacing nitrogen in the soil they are grown in.

Do American Lentils save the world too or do they steal the nitrogen and emit carbon dioxide???


Well-Known Member
Alaska is the eastern-most and western-most state in the US. A few of the Aleutian islands cross the international date line. It's also the only state that that was occupied during WW2.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the main target was Pittsburgh.

A gamma ray burst releases more energy in one event than the Sun would release in it's entire lifetime.

If at McDonald's, order a McDouble, substitute lettuce and Big Mac sauce for ketchup and mustard. Same burger (except for the bun) for $1.25 vs $3.


Well-Known Member
Most of the state (Nevada) is desert but the Sierra Nevada mountain range near Reno and the Ruby Mountains near Elko has snow for half the year.


golden ticket member
My, "Oh Damn" moment for today....

Got up early so I could leave the house at 6 AM and go to the lab in Mission Viejo for my bloodwork. Lab opens at 6:30 AM and I like to be first so I don't have a long waiting time.

Got out of the car and was walking to the door of the lab and realized I had left my "order' at home on the fridge door. Damn!!

Drove all the way home and then all the way back......in the rain and in rush hour. Bummer!:groooansmileyf:


golden ticket member
I didn't feel like making cut-out cookies this Christmas, so I bought some 'naked' cut out cookies........they are very good from Ralph's bakery. The tubes of cookie icing are expensive, but the store had tubes of it on sale for 50 cents. You should see our gorgeous bright yellow Christmas cookies !!
