Random Facts


bella amicizia
Why do you care? Who made you the guardian of Random Facts? This is a quote from 'uncommon knowledge'------

"Being a 'know-it-all' is a form of bullying even if that is not the intention.
The know-it-all has an opinion on everything regardless of whether they actually know anything about the subject or not. You know the type: something is self-evidently true purely because they happen to think it.
Know-it-alls are bombastic, opinionated and bad at listening.
What the know-it-all lacks is the humility to say: "I do not know enough about this to form a proper opinion", or "You may be right because you have more experience in this area than I do"."


Why do you care? Who made you the guardian of Random Facts? This is a quote from 'uncommon knowledge'------

"Being a 'know-it-all' is a form of bullying even if that is not the intention.
The know-it-all has an opinion on everything regardless of whether they actually know anything about the subject or not. You know the type: something is self-evidently true purely because they happen to think it.
Know-it-alls are bombastic, opinionated and bad at listening.
What the know-it-all lacks is the humility to say: "I do not know enough about this to form a proper opinion", or "You may be right because you have more experience in this area than I do"."

moreluck, thank you for the clarification. Dave.

Dave you must have missed menotyou's post....


Well-Known Member
Dave you must have missed menotyou's post....

I didn't miss anything. She has asked that I no longer interact with her, which I have not, yet she continues to take jabs at me.

I would like to be the first to congratulate moreluck on her 43,000th post, 3,000 of which have been posted in less than 2 months (12/28/11). I will let you form your own opinion as mine has been well established. Dave.
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golden ticket member
I didn't miss anything. She has asked that I no longer interact with her, which I have not, yet she continues to take jabs at me.

I would like to be the first to congratulate moreluck on her 43,000th post, 3,000 of which have been posted in less than 2 months (12/28/11). I will let you form your own opinion as mine has been well established. Dave.

Upstate 12.05 Posts per day

Moreluck 9.99 Posts per day

According to the numbers, I got nothin' on you!!


bella amicizia
She has asked that I no longer interact with her,

Yes, I did.

which I have not,

I know all to well

yet she continues to take jabs at me.
As you clearly stated in this post, you have not stopped. Why would I stop? You started it by questioning my integrity and credibility, almost 2 years ago. You have been a vile, and mean person since I wouldn't do whatever it was you wanted me to do. I think you are very similar to the little boy in the school yard who has a crush and was shut down.
You don't like the jabs I take? Good. I never thought I would say that about anyone, but then I met you.
I spend my day trying to smile and giggle, as I hate discord. I could care less what you think of me, as I am long past having any respect and/or concern for you. I am sure you will come back with some pompous retort. Big deal. Who cares. I will read it and laugh as I do with most of what you post. As far as Nancy/Suzi goes, when I feel like using those terms I will. You have, at a minimum, earned that.

Have a great day! :bigsmile2:
As you clearly stated in this post, you have not stopped. Why would I stop? You started it by questioning my integrity and credibility, almost 2 years ago. You have been a vile, and mean person since I wouldn't do whatever it was you wanted me to do. I think you are very similar to the little boy in the school yard who has a crush and was shut down.
You don't like the jabs I take? Good. I never thought I would say that about anyone, but then I met you.
I spend my day trying to smile and giggle, as I hate discord. I could care less what you think of me, as I am long past having any respect and/or concern for you. I am sure you will come back with some pompous retort. Big deal. Who cares. I will read it and laugh as I do with most of what you post. As far as Nancy/Suzi goes, when I feel like using those terms I will. You have, at a minimum, earned that.

Have a great day! :bigsmile2:

For pete's sake Dave. Just buy the girl a ring and get on with this marriage.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
As you clearly stated in this post, you have not stopped. Why would I stop? You started it by questioning my integrity and credibility, almost 2 years ago. You have been a vile, and mean person since I wouldn't do whatever it was you wanted me to do. I think you are very similar to the little boy in the school yard who has a crush and was shut down.
You don't like the jabs I take? Good. I never thought I would say that about anyone, but then I met you.
I spend my day trying to smile and giggle, as I hate discord. I could care less what you think of me, as I am long past having any respect and/or concern for you. I am sure you will come back with some pompous retort. Big deal. Who cares. I will read it and laugh as I do with most of what you post. As far as Nancy/Suzi goes, when I feel like using those terms I will. You have, at a minimum, earned that.

Have a great day! :bigsmile2:

WHOAH !!!!!!


golden ticket member
You can always tell the guys that have been married for awhile............"I'm sorry, sorry, so sorry, oh, I'm sorry, please forgive me, sorry, oops sorry,....................." It's kind of cute!!
You can always tell the guys that have been married for awhile............"I'm sorry, sorry, so sorry, oh, I'm sorry, please forgive me, sorry, oops sorry,....................." It's kind of cute!!

A smart man does do that.

A wise man doesn't get into that situation in the first place.