Random Facts


Not too many Americans know about the war of 1812.
Here's what happened in a nutshell.
A war between
and the United States, fought between1812 and 1815. The War of 1812 has also been called the secondAmerican war for independence. It began over alleged Britishviolations of American shipping rights, such as the impressment ofseamen — the forcing of American merchant sailors to serve onBritish ships. American soldiers attacked
unsuccessfully inthe war, and the British retaliated by burning the
White House
and other buildings in
Washington, D.C
. American warshipsfrequently prevailed over British vessels (
see “ We have met the enemy, and they are ours”). The greatest victory for theAmericans came in the Battle of New Orleans, in which AndrewJackson was the commanding general — a battle fought,ironically, two weeks after the peace treaty ending the war hadbeen signed, but before the armies could be informed.

At this point, even with his American aboriginal allies, Brock was outnumbered approximately two to one. Brock thus decided to use a series of tricks to intimidate Hull. He dressed his militia contingent in worn-out uniforms discarded by his regulars, making it appear (at a distance) as if his force consisted entirely of British regular infantry. Brock then laid siege to Fort Detroit, from established artillery positions across the river in Sandwich, and through a carefully crafted series of marches, made it appear he had far more natives with him than he actually did. He had Tecumseh's forces cross in front of the fort several times (doubling back under cover), intimidating Hull with the show of a large, raucous, barely controlled group of natives. Finally, he sent Hull a letter demanding his surrender, in which he stated, in part, "It is far from my inclination to join in a war of extermination, but you must be aware that the numerous body of Indians who have attached themselves to my troops will be beyond my control the moment the contest commences."[SUP][35][/SUP] Brock then hammered the fort with cannon fire. On 16 August, the day after receiving Brock's letter, Hull surrendered. Hull, elderly and without recent military experience, was terrified that the civilian population of the fort, including his own daughter and grandson, would face torture at the hands of the natives

dictionary.com and Wikki...
I guess if you guys had won,things would be much different.



Für Meno :)
I wonder what the next Canadian 1812 commerative coins will show ?
I'm personally hoping for coins showing the White House and other Washington, DC buildings burning in flames on one of them. Or atleast on a US disignated postal stamp:devil3: LOL


I wonder what the next Canadian 1812 commerative coins will show ?
I'm personally hoping for coins showing the White House and other Washington, DC buildings burning in flames on one of them. Or atleast on a US disignated postal stamp:devil3: LOL

How about the next coin showing King George the 4th sitting on a cloud manipulating Canada with strings like a puppet as he uses Canada to fight his war. The cloud prevents the Canadians from seeing who really runs the country. Just like today, with Queen Elizabeth pulling the strings.

Bow to the Queen, Klein, Bow to the Queen. Good Boy!!!!


Not too many Americans know about the war of 1812.
Here's what happened in a nutshell.
A war between
and the United States, fought between1812 and 1815. The War of 1812 has also been called the secondAmerican war for independence. It began over alleged Britishviolations of American shipping rights, such as the impressment ofseamen — the forcing of American merchant sailors to serve onBritish ships. American soldiers attacked

Alleged, my arse!


Ooky and I finally got around to visiting the St Lawrence market today.
It's right in the bowels of Toronto near the Rogers centre,and the Air Canada centre.
It was crowded,but still a lot of fun.Fresh Meats cheeses,breads,fruits and veggies,
and a ton of other things.We bought some Edam cheese,and some fresh strawberries.
I was surprised to learn that it was voted "best in the world" by national geographic.
St. Lawrence Market in Toronto named world’s best food market by National Geographic | Shine On - Shine from Yahoo! Canada