I am taking what will most likely become a permanent break from Brown Cafe. This place has changed and not for the better. Yes, I have had a lot to do with that and for that I do apologize; however, I find myself spending way too much (unproductive) time here arguing with people I have never met and for the most part care little about. I am tired of being alone and tired of being in a rut. I am tired of spending most every weekend in a movie theater. It is time for me to move on and a big part of that will be saying goodbye to all of you.
Not sure how it is for the rest of you, however, I have found that Brown Cafe can be very emotionally draining at times. Most of the people that post on Brown Cafe have some type of vested interest in UPS. We all want to make things better but are caught in the middle of Corporate Greed, Union Politics, Party Politics, and various divisive issues between part-time and full-time employees.
Several regular contributors on BC seem to be those that have in some manner been "harmed" by UPS. They (including myself) use BC to vent their feelings and frustrations in almost a therapy like manner. For others, BC can be addictive....almost like a drug... For me recently, BC was like an escape.....until I realized that I was only extending my adversarial environment at work to my free time at home....which also in essence was "adversarial" considering the defense of posts, etc..
Dave, you need to step back, take a break, and realize that BC is not worth becoming so emotionally involved with that you had to post a "good bye" (although I do understand how you feel). I am only here now to learn about our contract. Reading (observing) and not posting helps you realize how divided our Union actually is and most likely always will be. In the end, the majority of UPS Teamsters will vote how the contract will affect them personally. Considering that most part-time employees do not vote, the contract will once again favor full-time employees and retirees to the "extent possible". There is only X amount of $ to be distributed. The unknown Y variable of the healthcare costs will be passed on to the employees in some manner. We shall learn more tomorrow (April 15th, 2013).