Outstanding discussion, I hope we get some more participation.
We don't have a lot of trust in each other, I agree. We have long been an environment that has had enormous success doing things one way. We are extremely top-heavy. Communication travels one way, from the top down. Changing that mindset with respect to policies, procedures and even compensation programs, is hard on those of us whom it affects the most. Why? I think because we all want to be a part of those decisions.
We have proven as an organization that we have the ability to carry the ball. You want how many packages delivered every day? Yeah.. we can do that. You also want us to pick up x number of million packages a day ? Well...why not. we are already dressed in our browns and on the road, sure- we'll get them. We are without peer in our industry when it comes to getting packages moved. Now the business has changed and we are struggling a bit. We have to think out of the box and try and switch things up. So we need to change our gamelan. The frustrating part of this change is that the partnership is not involved in any of the planning. There is virtually no communication throughout the ranks as to what our feedback is on certain monumental decisions that will affect our everyday morale, production and resources. None. I am not just limiting this to management, I mean all partners.
There is so much knowledge and synergy in our people that goes untapped every day, it is frightening. You have drivers out there who have not missed a day of work in years. You have drivers who have driven for twenty-five years without an accident, almost all drivers are universally loved by their customers -We have thousands that fit this profile-People like that are worth more for what they know, then for what they can do in a day. We have people waiting for years to become full time drivers, lets start moving them into these ranks a lot quicker, start pulling some of the aforementioned experienced drivers, operators etc. off of their jobs and give them some challenging assignments to help IE and management build better routes, systems(PAS)compensation plans, etc. Give us a voice in this business and its decisions. If we don't currently have management people at the district level or higher who know how to tap into the potential synergies and capabilities of their existing people, replace them with capable management who know how to manage potential.
Instead, we just roll out things like PAS and a restructured MIP and say " hold your people accountable" "Don't get caught up in the negative" "We need to have more buy in from the partnership" If a system cannot differentiate an apartment address, from an APARTMENT BUILDING ADDRESS, Then all the buy in in the world is not going to help. Similarly, If they are going to change our compensation and we are going to receive less for what we do? Do you really think it is just a matter of convincing yourself and some of your colleagues that it is really a good thing, (when it clearly is not)
That is a direct insult to our intelligence. We know what we do every day. We know what the compensation is, and what it should be. We know what other people do for a living. we know what pressures other careers have and we are aware of the pressures of our career. We know what we should be paid, and when you tell us that we are going to have to maintain the same level of excellence for less money, tell us WHY. Don't try and convince us that this is anything other than a strategic business move to help boost shareholder confidence and defer some compensation. If you come right out and say we need help from the partnership. Here is what we are proposing to do with your compensation. Here is why we are doing this. Do you have any feed back or questions? Can you lend any insight as to how to make this tough transition smoother, more productive etc. for you and your fellow partners?-Thank you for all you do every day for United Parcel Service. We appreciate your support and buy in on this tough demanding transition in our business.
Whether it is PAS or compensation or a change in start time on the pre-load, get us involved, you will be surprised at how dedicated, competent and willing we are as employees.and shame on you, United Parcel Service, for not recognizing that already. Because the decisions made these last few years clearly define that many employees that are under appreciated, underpaid and underutilized are still willing to tow the line and fight the good fight.
That wont last forever, Loyalty is a two way street.