No. It's theft. They pay and get nothing
I have been able to get 3 seasonal workers hired on permanently after Peak so it sounds like it your "best" may not have been good enough after all.
So, it's Brown's fault? Did it ever occur to you that maybe your best just wasn't up to their standards? This place isn't for everyone.Now THERE'S the truth among all of this ridiculous rhetoric.
I don't know. I thought I did put out my best effort. Seems to me from reading threads here for a while that even if you do, it often won't matter at UPS.
I still have 5 Peaks left to match you .![]()
No. It's theft. They pay and get nothing
I agree as long as there is full disclosure.
These seasonal employees should be presented with the rules and options before it is too late.
Why is it we are only concerned with public perception in regards to strikes?
Back to the Original Poster's Complaint. The problem I have with the seasonal workers at my hub is that HR does not tell them union dues will be deducted.
So a seasonal feeder guy comes in at the beginning of September and sometime in November, the union finally gets the paperwork through and nails the seasonal driver for two month's union dues from one paycheck( for October and November). That stings and that's when the guy finds out he is paying union dues.
Seasonal feeder drivers are defiantly aware UPS is a Union shop.
That's why they are here.
They want to make some money.... for a change.
Wouldn't infamy be more appropriate in this scenario...just sayin!Go for it. Everybody needs a legacy.
They can always go (back) to a non-union shop.
And still make .32 cents a mile.
Just say'n....
I have never heard a seasonal say, they weren't informed it was a Union shop.
Annually, I am bombarded by phone calls from drivers when their helpers receive their first check and its a hundred plus dollars short.
Again, I'm all for them paying dues while they work a job with union negotiated wages.
What I don't understand is what they are being charged an initiation fee for?
Why is it we are only concerned with public perception in regards to strikes?
Not sure what you mean with that.
That sounds like an issue.... with your Local.
That sounds fair.In my local, the only people that pay dues is the drivers, feeders and delivery, and only for the weeks they actually work in those positions. No seasonal inside employee, or helpers pay a dime.
I think so too.That sounds fair.