Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
place has always had to many chiefs and not enough indians way to micromanaged!!!!
place has always had to many chiefs and not enough indians way to micromanaged!!!!
maybe I am missing something out here in the sticks.... what exactly does "that large screen TV" mean?
I take it as being how you're given your directions for the day. Innovative idea? Yes. Effective? I doubt it. Technologically possible but I'd fight like h*ll to keep it out if I were in a corporate position. Its my interpretation this could centralize management of a very large number of operations (package car) such that one person is managing say 200 centers. I might be exaggerating that number, by the way. -Rocky
that sounds fantastic.more flexible in adjusting to economic conditions
It has been managed by Atlanta for quite some time anyway.
When everything started going south with customer service is when it began.
When your 8 hr day was suddenly a 6 1/2 and you needed to work 10 to show 8 on when it began.
When managers couldnt decide how many runs they needed because some fortune teller looked at their crystal ball and told them how many.............
I can hardly wait to see what "changes" will be coming down the pike.
Today we were told that they were going to get on us for our production, I can hardly wait. Better practice those defensive actions boys and girls coz here it comes. Lock your doors, use your rail, dont be rude to customers, but be halfway out the door, while they finsih signing and your on your way back to the vehicle. Its going to be fun. Merry freaking New year!!!!!
Time to say,Today we were told that they were going to get on us for our production, I can hardly wait.
So if Im reading you right, is this like one centralized figure reading the daily reports/projections, and then telling center managers how many routes they can run? (and Im sure a lot of other things)
Not sure where Rocky is going to go. Maybe out to pasture in Atlanta?
I'm hearing that a lot of mid/lower region management will go back to their home districts. Not sure where Rocky is going to go.
Rocky Romanello not Rocky Rogue, I heard a manager & sup talking about burning Rocky's TSP books that were a waste of time.
Close. Only there would be no center manager. I abhor the idea of not having a manager on-site. It could lead to very big problems--operationally, etc--if there is not a manager on-site to deal with problems.
you gotta be kidding me... how is this supposed to help UPS? who is supposed to answer questions during day to day operations in each center?
you gotta be kidding me... how is this supposed to help UPS? who is supposed to answer questions during day to day operations in each center?