you pickin on my region tie? lol
I'll tell you one thing (though it seems to be nationwide), the PEAK planning meeting had to a misnomer this year. They had to have been planning vacations or what they were doing with their bonuses because in this region whoever came up with the plan we used for peak should be was a disgrace. I mean they plan all year and THAT was the best they could come up with? I lost a lot of faith in those above me this year. The plan for our building was especially horrible, 15 - almost 30k more packages than normal and they moved start times a whole 15-30 min? LOL no wonder we rarely wrapped (because you know those loads weren't exactly on time either). We had pulls with plans of 1700pcs and you're starting them at wonder the preloaders attitudes were in the dumps, we set them up to fail, daily. Given enough time that pull would be ok, but even 6 hrs (an hour of OT ::cringe:: )would still require a preloader to move at 284pph (with no misloads of corse) not to mention cut into the drivers start time...come on tie you have to admit thats just not right especially since the flow isn't constant, it comes in waves. Then no union hourlies wanted to go the extra mile because they were pissed we were working supes daily as a result of poor planning. I can't blame them, we had the people, it was the planning that was to blame. Come to our region tie, please! Help us
Come on Westside, do you think Tie can really do 284 pph with NO misloads?? lol.. Sounds like they were more worried thinking about the Patriots perfect season than planning for peak. lol.