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We have people in our building who do nothing but fuel the trucks after the drivers come in...
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Small Package Operations Consolidation
UPS today announced that after extensive study and consideration, it is consolidating some small package operations in the United States.
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Hey Tieguy....Since you are in management in the east central region do you know what will happen to the east region office at scott plaza and to it's employees? And is there a north East region office like we have here at scott plaza???? Just wondering!!!
I'm hearing that a lot of mid/lower region management will go back to their home districts. Not sure where Rocky is going to go. Maybe out to pasture in Atlanta? As far as the region office at International Plaza, its history. From what I understand it cost a small fortune for the offices there. I never really understood why the ECR offices were not located in a hub. Any Corp IE folks out there reading the forums? I want to know the reason why ECR was collapsed into the NE Region. The NE Region really has some apathetic management style up there. It just seems like they don't care. It could just be me... at least I hope for the former ECR's sake.
In the future, I see that when you call in to the center, you'll end up trying to talk to someone half a world away with most likely an Indian accent that you can barely understand. These people will be trying to coordinate getting a wrecker to your location when you break down.
they have not said what they would do with the employees. I'm sure they will want to move them into whatever openings are available in the sorrounding buildings.I would speculate that they would want to shut down scotts plaza.
I believe the northeast offices are in the upper levels of the 48th street building. Jim casey used to have his office there.
They Should Have Collapsed The Northeast Region...not The East Central Region...makes No Sense....they Are Letting Us Know Is A Waiting Game...just Need To Know In Order To Make The Next Move.....the Waiting Is The Worst
Tie, are you referring to the 43rd street building in Manhattan??
ooops typo. thanks Haz. yep 43rd street building. supposedly has a nice view of the hudson from caseys old office.
you don't have to call half way around the world to find someone who speaks poor english. Is there anyone in any other job function at ups that you do respect?
I heard a manager & sup talking about burning Rocky's TSP books that were a waste of time.
I'm sorry what are TSP books?
I agree. Northeast region has always been an outhouse region. If anything they should have collapsed it. Not sure how they are going to save jobs. The southeast and northeast are now so big they will probably have a north and south coordinator for every department.
goodbye Rocky. TSP was a great idea that worked, the blue book the biggest waste of time and money I have ever seen.
TSP Total Service Plan.
Loads were pulled on time, driver start times were moved up. We were able to run most of our air in trace with the early start time. In my center, routes were assigned a "return to building time". Your dispatch was adjusted to make sure you were back by the assigned time. Center feeders left on time, no exceptions.
In my building the TSP program works well, so I guess that would be the reason for pulling the plug. LOL.