Engorged Member
I know.
If she likes Trump, you guys are proof opposites attract .
She hates him more than me, and that's hard to do.
I know.
If she likes Trump, you guys are proof opposites attract .
It wont help ... remember the sage aphorism, "You Can't Fix Stupid!"The next time you tell MouseMan to take his meds, maybe you better have him send you some buddy.
Just a side note..She hates him more than me, and that's hard to do.
Just a side note..
"Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" --James 1:27
The God who you don't believe exist, is well pleased with what you are doing with the kids. Not many step up and do that.
She hates Trump more than she hates you? Well you got that going for you big boyShe hates him more than me, and that's hard to do.
You like to poke also.
Since Church refers to Christians ... I'm going with Christianity.
Since Church refers to Christians ... I'm going with Christianity.
church is from the greek word ekklesiaSince Church refers to Christians ... I'm going with Christianity.
And in an idiomatic translation from the 21st century ... Churches are the buildings in which Christians hold their is from the greek word ekklesia
ekk is called lesia is out..called out
the word is not a particular "religious" word..a riotous mob in Ephesus in Acts 19.. the "assembly "( same word)was confused..
Christians are"followers of Christ " ..first called that in Antioch ( Acts 11:26)
You right.And in an idiomatic translation from the 21st century ... Churches are the buildings in which Christians hold their services.
You miss.In the idioms of 1st century, ekklesia referred to the gatherings of people for the purpose of worship.
Ahh. So the headline should read "Christianity is tanking".Since Church refers to Christians ... I'm going with Christianity.
Worx 4 meAhh. So the headline should read "Christianity is tanking".
As is a group of early Christians meeting outside or in a rich person's house.You miss.
A riotous mob is referred to as an ekklesia in Acts 19.
"The "assembly" (ekklesia) was confused"-Acts 19..the riotous mob was "called out" to protest the preaching of the gospelAs is a group of early Christians meeting outside or in a rich person's house.
The key or pertinent point is that early Christians used the word ekklesia to refer to a group of people ... not a building.
Because it's on the decline, many other things are 'tanking" as well.Ahh. So the headline should read "Christianity is tanking".