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Inordinately Right
Jesus's parents complied with Roman law. That's why he was born in Bethlehem. Laws are written and passed for a reason. Compliance is necessary for order. Ignoring the law because a political party believes it will ultimately give them control is a surefire way to destroy the country.
Jesus was a rape baby and it was completely legal because Jews were useless trash people no one cared about.

Carry on.


Well-Known Member
Nonsense. Political parties ignore the enforcement of laws all the time for political purposes.
Tell me about it. Or you know who would be in jail. But big difference between letting an individual skate and letting in millions to shore up your political power. If the Dems want to take over completely they should do it by offering a better way that actually works.


Well-Known Member
Amen Brother!
I get so friend:censored2:ing tired of 'people', not God, telling others how to live their lives.
These people are misguided and do so at the behest of Satan ... God doesn't care!!!
True, there are no standards, no commandments, no laws. Just do what feels good. God doesn't care.


Inordinately Right
True, there are no standards, no commandments, no laws. Just do what feels good. God doesn't care.
Written laws existed hundreds of years before your little Jewish stories supposedly happened. You think you need religion for order and law, but historically religion destroys those things.


Inordinately Right
If progressivism is their religion then I agree with you.
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Staff member
Tell me about it. Or you know who would be in jail. But big difference between letting an individual skate and letting in millions to shore up your political power. If the Dems want to take over completely they should do it by offering a better way that actually works.
Know what that reminds me of? When republicans talk about gun laws and say, “We just need to enforce the laws on the books...”

Guess who’s in charge and not doing it.
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