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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Don't try to nit-pick and rationalize into a what-if scientific equation.
This is a faith based process just like any religion except it is not a religious experience.
People really screw themselves up when they start trying to understand, and especially prove, their religious beliefs by scientific methodologies.

1) Because ...
I am calm and free with no anger, accepting life on life's terms and I enjoy life in a spiritual way ...
I accept what has happened in the past with no resentment and do not replay perceived injustices against me ...
I look to the future with no fear and I have faith that I, with the help of my Higher Power, can deal with whatever the future brings.
2) Over a period of time and lots of meditation/prayer and because 1) took place.
3) Calming me down and revealing that my wants are based on my ego ... as I meditate and pray, I am able to look outside of my self-controlled desires to gain the wisdom to make the right choices.

No nit pick at all. Who or what do you pray to?
So basically what you are saying is, what ever one thinks is a Higher Power, is a Higher Power. And whatever you say the Higher Power does, it does, simply because you think it and believe it. And whatever feelings you have makes it so.
You offer nothing that is coming from your Higher Power. Everything you have stated is you.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I know this was a while back, but this is incorrect. Kratom is legal in the state of Georgia, and easy to find. It's sold in most convenience stores, and was legalized under the kratom consumer act advocated by Vernon Jones in the state Senate. Figured I would share if you were interested.

Live in Columbus Georgia myself and take it a few days a week. Seriously makes a difference when I am unloading. Much smoother energy boost, better focus, and relief of back pain. Don't feel cracked out on it like 150mg doses of caffeine.
Thanks Man!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Don't try to nit-pick and rationalize into a what-if scientific equation.
This is a faith based process just like any religion except it is not a religious experience.
People really screw themselves up when they start trying to understand, and especially prove, their religious beliefs by scientific methodologies.

1) Because ...
I am calm and free with no anger, accepting life on life's terms and I enjoy life in a spiritual way ...
I accept what has happened in the past with no resentment and do not replay perceived injustices against me ...
I look to the future with no fear and I have faith that I, with the help of my Higher Power, can deal with whatever the future brings.
2) Over a period of time and lots of meditation/prayer and because 1) took place.
3) Calming me down and revealing that my wants are based on my ego ... as I meditate and pray, I am able to look outside of my self-controlled desires to gain the wisdom to make the right choices.


No nit pick at all. Who or what do you pray to?
So basically what you are saying is, what ever one thinks is a Higher Power, is a Higher Power. And whatever you say the Higher Power does, it does, simply because you think it and believe it. And whatever feelings you have makes it so.
You offer nothing that is coming from your Higher Power. Everything you have stated is you.

"What then? If some did not believe, their unbelief will not nullify the faithfulness of God, will it?
May it never be! Rather, let God be found true, though every man be found a liar." --Romans 3: 3 -4. NASV


Inordinately Right

The meme inferred Trump doesn't care about the physically poor or he thinks they shouldn't be cared for.
The verse used in the meme doesn't refer to the physically poor.
The verse you spout off is telling you to stop being a holier than thou zealot.

It's sad you don't even understand what you preach.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You’re enthralled.

You’re taking a series of stolen metaphors grafted onto a system of populace control and calling it truth.

You’re wrong, but you don’t understand why.

Wrong about what? That I quoted the Bible in a Religion Thread?
I have put direct quotes from scripture. I didn't write it.
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