Old Man Jingles
Rat out of a cage
I got sumtin' to tell you Boy!Never discuss the posts.
Go for the one that posted.
Honest discussion is impossible.
Really gets old.
Wanna see sumtin' boring?
Go back and read all your friend

I got sumtin' to tell you Boy!Never discuss the posts.
Go for the one that posted.
Honest discussion is impossible.
Really gets old.
Or a point to case of point ... pointless!You have no point or case.
Never discuss the posts.
Go for the one that posted.
Honest discussion is impossible .
Really gets old.
"" the lips of a fool consume him; the beginning of his talking is folly and the end of it is wicked madness. Yet the fool multiplies words.... and who can tell him what will come after him?'' Ecc. 10: 12
You’re like the pastor of every terrible sermon I had to sit through as a kid. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. LOL
You have the wrong actions. My comment was our actions and attitudes towards the poor.Still never gave a straight answer to the question. ..Ok..I'll play.
So actions on the part of people qualify natural?
The Bible ( God's Word ) is wrong which means God is wrong and science has proved that?
Two straight questions .
You attempted to claim that “poor in spirit” is vastly different than being without worldly possessions so far as being blessed.Nope. This is dealing with what one person needed to do when he asked.. What do I lack?
This passage is dealing with the heart of a wealthy young man. The Lord could read his heart. This is what he needed to do.
Matthew 5:3 and Matthew 19: 21 are not parallel passages.
I'm trying to figure out why your still quoting Bible verses to these people. Or trying to have a theological debate with people who vehemently oppose God.Never discuss the posts.
Go for the one that posted.
Honest discussion is impossible .
Really gets old.
Ranting like a schizophrenic who lives in a cardboard box outside a planned Parenthood clinic is kind of his thing.I'm trying to figure out why your still quoting Bible verses to these people. Or trying to have a theological debate with people who vehemently oppose God.
You either like getting beat up or you want to win converts, if that is your aim, it's not going to happen on a chat board with Bible verses.
Channeling Freud again?Ranting like a schizophrenic who lives in a cardboard box outside a planned Parenthood clinic is kind of his thing.
It's a form of self affirmation and clear sign that deep down he knows how ridiculous his beliefs are. Plus the self hate he is trying to deal with over his homosexual tendencies complicates things even more.
Say a prayer for him.
Sure why not throw even more Jewish nonsense into the mix.Channeling Freud again?
Mr oLD MAN JinGles , Religion is an artificial invention to manipulate the multitude's belief for the purpose of social control.If one is in good health both physically and mentally.
There is a considerable portion of the population that struggles with 'good health both physically and mentally'.
Religion!!''---pROBLEM OF GOd''Yes.
Organized Religion is maybe ... but a personal relationship with the Higher Power of one's choice makes one superior to others that are responsible for everything that affects them in their environment.Mr oLD MAN JinGles , Religion is an artificial invention to manipulate the multitude's belief for the purpose of social control.
And heaven is all around you and within you.Jesus is the Stairway to Heaven.
Or, it might be Zeppelin.
Whatever gets you to heaven, man.
(Or, it might be TOOL...)