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Engorged Member
Or a whole lot of people throughout history twisted his words and teachings to meet their own desires and goals. The most important teachings of Christ, like the golden rule, are undeniably beautiful in simplicity. And you'll find those ideas across pretty much all religions and cultures.

But once you start relying on the specific wording of a man's quotes from an ancient text written hundreds of years after he died, that was then translated, reinterpreted, and rewritten over a millennium.... you've lost most people by that point.



Inordinately Right
And millions stake and have given their very lives because of these words...Like the high school student that took bullets two separate times because she refused to renounce Jesus as her savior.
There must be a reason for that.
Sure, but that argument is a bit of a distraction from the topic. Do you think that person took bullets over the specific wording of biblical text, or because of their overall beliefs?

Just seems rather silly to me to quote Jesus. I don't think the real intent of Jesus was to say the only way to heaven was Christianity. If you take into account the historical context of the book (persecution and the need to distinguish itself from the many Roman gods), it seems clear to me why the author would have needed to be so assertive with the idea of exclusivity.
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Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Why can't islam control their terrorist? It's because islam has no central authority to decide what authentic Islam is. It's a free for all. Kind of like the coexist crowd. Who the hell knows what perverse ideas run thru their heads. They are their own self check. Welcome to the police state.


Staff member
Why can't islam control their terrorist? It's because islam has no central authority to decide what authentic Islam is. It's a free for all. Kind of like the coexist crowd. Who the hell knows what perverse ideas run thru their heads. They are their own self check. Welcome to the police state.
Incorrect. May as well ask why the "televangelist evangelicals" are able to swindle millions from their viewers every year.


Inordinately Right
Why can't islam control their terrorist? It's because islam has no central authority to decide what authentic Islam is. It's a free for all.
Incorrect. May as well ask why the "televangelist evangelicals" are able to swindle millions from their viewers every year.
Maybe he's suggesting the reason there are so many crooked protestant preachers out there is because they don't have a central authority to decide what authentic Protestantism is like Catholicism has. Or maybe he's just mixing alcohol and ignorance and sharing the result with BC tonight.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
All religions are composed of imperfect people. Let's not confuse people with ideas. People are easy to slam, in this everyone on this forum are the same. This whole discussion should ultimately challenge each of us to do better. Men have the ability to sacrifice themselves for a cause or for a stranger, without receiving any recognition. We are different from animals.


Inordinately Right
All religions are composed of imperfect people. Let's not confuse people with ideas. People are easy to slam, in this everyone on this forum are the same. This whole discussion should ultimately challenge each of us to do better. Men have the ability to sacrifice themselves for a cause or for a stranger, without receiving any recognition. We are different from animals.
Have you ever been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder?
You're all over the place man.


Engorged Member

That isn't much of an answer. Why do the Muslims hate the Jews and vice versa? Why did the Protestants hate the Catholics? Why do Christians look down on Hindus, Krishna's, and Buddhists? It probably goes back the other way too. I would say there are very few religions that are true to the words of their respective saviors...and that is sad. Please don't tell me that "your religion" is innocent, because none of them are. Right now, there are radical Islamists vowing to kill all of us because we're not with them.

If there is a God, and I truly hope there is, He/She/It needs to start showing-up for work, because this world is a hot mess.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Christian's forgive their enemies. Faith is a gift from God you have to ask for it. If I don't slit your throat (intellectual or physically) you say bi-polar.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Go look at any culture and see that they have a God that they worship. Even savages in the Amazon jungle have this God gene. No it's actually their intelect correctly seeing the reality of their existence. It's actually bi-polar to hold that there is no God and we cannot know him.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Religion is for dumb people. In other words, Trump supporters.
Galileo and Isaac Newton were dumb?
The list of Christian scientists and inventors is long and your blanket statement that religious people are dumb is void of facts.

Having faith in God is the litmus test for being stupid? That is truly a dumb statement.
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