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Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
If I wished to own a Rolex watch and held my hand open and waited for millions of years for that watch to randomly appear. Do you believe it would appear? Talk about silly beliefs.


Well-Known Member
If I wished to own a Rolex watch and held my hand open and waited for millions of years for that watch to randomly appear. Do you believe it would appear? Talk about silly beliefs.

Good Point! That is truly absurb isn't it? Just moronic and proves how stupid they really are.

Anyone knows you hold out your arm and pray to Jesus and a Rolex will magically appear. They even have a name for it called Prosperity Theology or Prosperity Christianity.

If you want to go stupid, then we can go absolutely stupid!

10 point

Well-Known Member
This why wars over religion happen. One religion thinks it is the only way and has to root-out the "others". Not exactly peaceful, or Christ-like. I'm guessing Jesus wouldn't force you to believe...he'd want you to.
The account of the rich young man that came in haste to Jesus wanting to know what he had to do to get to heaven and it is written that Jesus showed him love (compassion) and told him the commands written to be considered obedient to the law of Moses and the rich young man said he'd done and observed all those commands from his youth. Then Jesus told him to give away all he had to the poor people and come follow him knowing that this young man was rich but would not do this one last thing. Jesus loved him anyway, knowing he would not follow him. He "knocks" at the door but he never knocks it down. Everyone has a choice.

A life lived as a good example of godly love is worth all the words of wolves in sheep's clothing. Imo


Engorged Member
The account of the rich young man that came in haste to Jesus wanting to know what he had to do to get to heaven and it is written that Jesus showed him love (compassion) and told him the commands written to be considered obedient to the law of Moses and the rich young man said he'd done and observed all those commands from his youth. Then Jesus told him to give away all he had to the poor people and come follow him knowing that this young man was rich but would not do this one last thing. Jesus loved him anyway, knowing he would not follow him. He "knocks" at the door but he never knocks it down. Everyone has a choice.

A life lived as a good example of godly love is worth all the words of wolves in sheep's clothing. Imo

Great. So what if Ahmed the Muslim lives the same kind of life and follow's Mohammed's similar commands? Why is Ahmed's choice a bad one and yours a good one? All of the holy books of the major religions have similar basic themes.

Pretend Christians or Hypochristians as I prefer to call them, are everywhere. I would call most, if not all evangelists as hypocrites, and many politicians (especially Trump) as utter liars. Rich or poor, few seem to live the values Jesus epsoused.


Engorged Member
If I wished to own a Rolex watch and held my hand open and waited for millions of years for that watch to randomly appear. Do you believe it would appear? Talk about silly beliefs.

Yes, ridiculous. Kind of like people praying for a Mercedes or the like. Why doesn't God just reveal Himself? It would certainly help the world figure a few things out and discount those "other" religions that are "ridiculous".


Engorged Member
Good Point! That is truly absurb isn't it? Just moronic and proves how stupid they really are.

Anyone knows you hold out your arm and pray to Jesus and a Rolex will magically appear. They even have a name for it called Prosperity Theology or Prosperity Christianity.

If you want to go stupid, then we can go absolutely stupid!

Yes, Creflo Dollar, Casey Treat, and others. Many believe strongly in Prosperity Christianity, including most of the TV evangelist types.


Staff member
Yes, ridiculous. Kind of like people praying for a Mercedes or the like. Why doesn't God just reveal Himself? It would certainly help the world figure a few things out and discount those "other" religions that are "ridiculous".
So it's not religions you have a problem with, just Christians?


Staff member
Yes, Creflo Dollar, Casey Treat, and others. Many believe strongly in Prosperity Christianity, including most of the TV evangelist types.
That's what you call Christianity? And jihadist terrorists are what you call Islam?

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Christ said see the birds of the field they neither gather grain or store it in barns and yet they are feed. The prosperity Jesus is rediculous. God helps those who help themselves. There's no free lunches in this world. Sorry Communist. If someone does something for you, you must give back to someone somewhere. When you give more than you receive it is called virtue. This is usually motivated by love of your brother or stranger. Extraordinary acts are called heroic acts deserving of admiration. Christian's are not perfect but should be persuing heroic virtue. It is not easy, requires a constant effort. If you say something negative about a Christian your probably right, but what does that say about you with your self serving philosophy
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10 point

Well-Known Member
I learned a life lesson years ago after I watched this senerio unfold and heard the rest of it later.

This was a young guy standing in a line at a convenience store waiting for the guy in front of him to pay for his cans of soup. This guy was well known throughout our small community because from birth he couldn't use his legs and "walked" on crutches all his life, dragging his limp legs underneath himself to stabilize his crutches.

The guy who was behind him asked him if he needed a ride home from there and he said "sure". As the driver helped him get his groceries into his bare bones apartment he dropped forty dollars into one of the sacks but said nothing to the crippled man.

A few days later the crippled man ran across the driver who took him home and asked him one question that seemed to be the focus of his conversation....
"Where do you go to church?".

The crippled man had family who went to a fellowship that was pretty vocal about how their doctrine was the only pure rendition of the Bible but this crippled man wanted to be with people who LIVED their faith not the ones that just talked about it.

The church is stepping over diamonds while looking for coal.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Great. So what if Ahmed the Muslim lives the same kind of life and follow's Mohammed's similar commands? Why is Ahmed's choice a bad one and yours a good one? All of the holy books of the major religions have similar basic themes.

Pretend Christians or Hypochristians as I prefer to call them, are everywhere. I would call most, if not all evangelists as hypocrites, and many politicians (especially Trump) as utter liars. Rich or poor, few seem to live the values Jesus epsoused.
People fail every day.
Look at Peter. Denied he even knew Jesus to save his own skin and he walked with Jesus and saw the miracles. He called him the Son of God.

People (like us) will fail from time to time but God looks on the heart's intentions. The one's that get up and try again to get it right are the ones that have shown their faith. Imo


Inordinately Right
God helps those who help themselves. There's no free lunches in this world. Sorry Communist.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Great. So what if Ahmed the Muslim lives the same kind of life and follow's Mohammed's similar commands? Why is Ahmed's choice a bad one and yours a good one? All of the holy books of the major religions have similar basic themes.

Pretend Christians or Hypochristians as I prefer to call them, are everywhere. I would call most, if not all evangelists as hypocrites, and many politicians (especially Trump) as utter liars. Rich or poor, few seem to live the values Jesus epsoused.
The biggest difference is what Jesus said. He said that he was the "door" to heaven and believing in him and what he was about to do with his life was the only way to make it to eternal life. Not a way but the only way.

Either you believe that or you don't. It's his statement not mine and either he's who he said he was or he was a liar.
That's the difference.
I'm not judging anyone because that's not my responsibility.


Inordinately Right
Either you believe that or you don't. It's his statement not mine and either he's who he said he was or he was a liar.
Or a whole lot of people throughout history twisted his words and teachings to meet their own desires and goals. The most important teachings of Christ, like the golden rule, are undeniably beautiful in simplicity. And you'll find those ideas across pretty much all religions and cultures.

But once you start relying on the specific wording of a man's quotes from an ancient text written hundreds of years after he died, that was then translated, reinterpreted, and rewritten over a millennium.... you've lost most people by that point.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Yes, Creflo Dollar, Casey Treat, and others. Many believe strongly in Prosperity Christianity, including most of the TV evangelist types.
I remember what an old pastor once said and I've found it to be true:

Most people can make it through hard times but few make it through prosperity.
You'd think we'd learn quicker than this. SMH


Well-Known Member
Continuing with the gnostic/esoteric early history of Christianity before 4th century orthodoxy became the absolute standard.

At the time of this presentation on "The Essenes" Pastor Ted Nottingham was pastor at Northwoods Chrisitan Church in Indianapolis Indiana and given at Northwoods.


10 point

Well-Known Member
Or a whole lot of people throughout history twisted his words and teachings to meet their own desires and goals. The most important teachings of Christ, like the golden rule, are undeniably beautiful in simplicity. And you'll find those ideas across pretty much all religions and cultures.

But once you start relying on the specific wording of a man's quotes from an ancient text written hundreds of years after he died, that was then translated, reinterpreted, and rewritten over a millennium.... you've lost most people by that point.
And millions stake and have given their very lives because of these words...Like the high school student that took bullets two separate times because she refused to renounce Jesus as her savior.
There must be a reason for that.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
To believe all religions are true is to believe no religions are true. The west is mostly fat, dumb, and happy and their God is their belly. Christ cannot be ignored. He's either the Son of God as he said he was or a charlitin. Truth cannot coexist with falsehood. One or the other will dominate. You become what you love, that's why ideas are important.
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