Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So?You said they were uncircumcised Gentiles until Christ.
So?You said they were uncircumcised Gentiles until Christ.
I pointed out circumcision isn't necessary in response.
So?I pointed out circumcision isn't necessary in response.
What's this got to do with anything we're talking about right now??
I’ll weigh in on if they are correct or not.The Bible doesn't say the Earth is that old. Some people got that date by adding up the ages of people mentioned in the Bible. Are they correct? I don't know and won't try to argue the point either way. I would place it more in the same category as numerologists that try to get more meaning from numbers in the Bible than is what is clearly written.
Abraham married his half sister. How dare you insult the father of nations and original Jew like that. You must be antisemitic.2500 years? You don't marry your sister not because it's icky, which it is, it's because it causes birth defects and hemophilia. But there you are explaining away something that's not in the text.
No violation.Abraham married his half sister. How dare you insult the father of nations and original Jew like that. You must be antisemitic.
Ummm yeah it is, you try to marry your half sister around here the law is gonna stop you.No violation.
Your law today is not what we're talking about.Ummm yeah it is, you try to marry your half sister around here the law is gonna stop you.
I don’t condone sistering, the offspring will probably inherit recessive genes from both parents and become religious.
I know it wasn't a violation at the time.So you believe marrying and screwing your half sister is not a violation and that dinosaurs and humans were alive at the same time.
You’re a very delusional individual if you can’t accept this very basic fact.I know it wasn't a violation at the time.
I sure do.I know they coexisted.
(I'm on the front row to the far right)
Why? Talk about delusional. Stuff you spout is hilarious.You’re a very delusional individual if you can’t accept this very basic fact.
I offer what God wrote against mountains of blow.You offer no evidence to support your claim that goes against mountains of evidence.
Yeah, man. Whatever you think.All you have is the claims of primitive people that probably didn’t even know about the existence of dinosaurs, fossils or not.
Because Genesis and the Old Testament is directed at the Hebrews/Jews. It wasn't written for all men.So?
You missed where I pointed out..Why are you even bring this up?
You're getting your scientific disciplines mixed up. Evolution deals with the origin of species. It doesn't deal with geology, archeology, climate. Anthropology a bit, definitely biology.Uh..the scriptures also support Creation.
Moses (a Prophet of God) certainly did put in perspective. Direct revelation from God with what happened.
The Bible teaches that the earth was created before the sun and stars (Gen. 1:1, 16). The theory of evolution (in its full scientific context) teaches that the sun and stars existed in some cases for billions of years before the earth.
Plants existing for millions of years before there is a sun, moon, day or night ( 1:11), a veritable botanical — not to mention scientific absurdity. The theory of evolution, and any other theory that postulates long periods of time between the days of Genesis, cannot reconcile these facts. Plant life could not have survived without these light sources.
Then, if insects and birds were created millions of years after plants, pollination would have been quite impossible and many plants would have died out. Once more, this presents a scientific conundrum for anyone who is honest. So, the Bible will somehow have to be “adjusted” to make this fit.
The Bible teaches that birds were created before insects (1:20, 24). The theory of evolution demands that the insects precede the birds. Of course, many birds survive primarily upon the insects which they ingest, so once again a problem of survival is created by this.
The Bible teaches that land plants preceded marine life (1:11, 20). The theory of evolution demands that marine life appeared before dry land plants.
The Bible teaches that whales were created before reptiles (or any other land animals), Gen. 1:21, 24. But the theory of evolution not only alleges that reptiles came before whales, but that whales are in fact land animals that have returned to the water.
The Bible teaches that birds were created before reptiles (1:20, 24). Evolution, on the other hand, insists that birds were the direct descendants of reptiles.
The Bible teaches that man was created before rain fell on the earth (2:5-7). The theory of evolution demands that rain fell on the earth for millions of years before man. (The terms for the plants of 2:5 are apparently used in reference to cultivated plants such as were grown in the garden, and not to the general vegetation of 1:11).
The Bible teaches that death and suffering are the result of sin, and that sin entered the world with Adam and Eve (2:17). But the theory of evolution asserts that the process of life-and-death struggle had been going on for millions of years before man appeared on the earth, and that man’s most immediate ancestors were part of that struggle.
The Bible teaches that man was made first, and then the woman was made from his side (2:18-22). This is the crowning blow to any attempt to reconcile the theory of evolution with the Bible. Evolution demands that the sexes evolved together.
Finally, if day six (when Adam was created) was thousands or even millions of years long, Adam’s age at death would have numbered in the thousands or millions of years, instead of merely hundreds, as Genesis 5 clearly teaches.
Men with primitive technology did primitive things. We know better today. Well, some of us do.Abraham married his half sister. How dare you insult the father of nations and original Jew like that. You must be antisemitic.
Thanks for the help. The clarification wasn't necessary and you know it.You're getting your scientific disciplines mixed up. Evolution deals with the origin of species. It doesn't deal with geology, archeology, climate. Anthropology a bit, definitely biology.
Before God brought form and life to the earth, darkness hovered over the waters which covered the earth.
How many years was the the earth without form and had water but no light?
Wow man.Men with primitive technology did primitive things. We know better today. Well, some of us do.
Should point out I've been reading and surfing the internet since 1994. For those who love to read the internet is the best invention ever.Thanks for sharing this with me, I agree with most of this and am not sure about the rest of it but it seems plausible. Mainly the whole Grand Canyon and Black Sea thing, I’m not sure haven’t looked into it.
I don’t think you’re dumb at all, me and you are from different eras. I’m from the information era, I’ve been bombarded by information my entire life, I have answers to basically all questions that can be answered in my pocket and have unfettered access to expert opinions that you would have to tune into tv to catch maybe 30 minutes of and I can listen to it for hours at anytime I please.
You’re being honest with me and I respect that.
Kind of think it is. You're putting all science under the same umbrella to discount it if there's any conflict with your beliefs.