Removed from service over a month ago but still haven't been fired


Never bought my own handtruck
As for the actual OP, he should know better, too bad so sad, he does not deserve to wear the shield and represent the professionalism we drivers have come to represent. Ain't got any sympathy for an Alki pos who gets behind the wheel, regardless of all the excuses they will give.

How do you know he’s not popping gummies and smoking weed all day?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
One expensive drink!

"In my whole career I have never seen a more spectacular display of alcoholism"!

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Baseball, dart board
If he's laid off then file, period. If the driver is fired then follow the grievance procedure.
The company does not get to have it both ways. By filing, they will be asked about available work, they will claim he has an 8hr gaurentee, so they won't have to pay, yet they refuse to properly pull him from service. By filing, it will force the company to either pay the unemployment benefits, or take him off layoff.
Management has a duty obligation and responsibility to do things correctly. Either the driver is suspended, fired, layed off, or in service. Suspended or fired, there's a grievance process. In service, is self explanatory. File for layoff everyday your coded as a layoff. Simple easy. The company HATES it, but they've got rules to follow through.

My advice was not bad.
It will further his case along, by properly coding the driver.

As for the actual OP, he should know better, too bad so sad, he does not deserve to wear the shield and represent the professionalism we drivers have come to represent. Ain't got any sympathy for an Alki pos who gets behind the wheel, regardless of all the excuses they will give.
In regards to the unemployment benefits - The company probably won't even notice him filing. There's probably thousands of UPSers on lay off filing right now.
Plus, the way the benefit system works is the employer pays a percentage of wages up to a certain dollar amount based on how many employees filed the previous year. In Michigan, it's all put into a "pot" which the state pays the unemployed from. Every year the employer gets a statement stating their +/- contribution into the fund.
That's in Michigan at least, and as a former seasonal business owner I understand it well.
Edit: my point is, if the Co is coding him as laid off, he should take the available benefit. I doubt it will affect the outcome.


Box Monkey
If they won't let you drive they should have offered you inside work.

In the meantime, take some ARD classes and get your sh1t together. Is your future really worth bad decisions. Next time you have that drink, call for a ride. $20 Uber is way chesper than what you're going through.


I was removed from service mid Feb due to a second DUI (both outside of work) in the 5 year window (I know I'm an idiot so we can skip that discussion). The charge is minor as far as they go and, according to the lawyer, will most likely be dumbed down to reckless driving. It's been over a month and neither my union nor I have been notified of any termination or plan of action from labor or the company. Everything on my end was reported by the book within the timelines. My timecards are being processed as "layoff" for the days that I would be working. Any input as to what could be going on? I'm sure I'm a goner but why would it be taking so long for them to pull the trigger on termination? Are they allowed to take this long to take action?
…why wouldn’t you just smoke weed 🤦‍♂️

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