Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
No, I am a Hebrew Israelite, the people of the book prophesied in the book of Deuteronomy 28 the curses. FYI anytime you see the word Black or White in front of something just know that that is a social construct that denotes social status not lineage or bloodline.
I'm cool with and respect your skin color, heritage and your religion!
Fish on!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Semitic. Not really Arabs.
They've done DNA tests on bones and teeth from the ancient Hebrew settlements and their lineage is Arabic.
This is what Jesus most likely looked like ...

Jesus Arabic.png


  • Jesus Arabic Hoodie Tiedye Cropped Square.jpg
    Jesus Arabic Hoodie Tiedye Cropped Square.jpg
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
That's funny!
Almost as funny as Europeans depicting Jesus as Caucasian.
There's a better question if the hieroglyphics the pick ancient Egyptians and ancient Hebrew Israelites as people of color, where in the heck did they get a Caucasian Jesus from?:devil3:
Depict ?
I made that point earlier ... depicting Jesus as a Caucasian is humerus <sic>.
In fact, my post indicated that I would believe Jesus was a Black African before I would believe he was Caucasian.
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nowhere special
Depict ?
I made that point earlier ... depicting Jesus as a Caucasian.
In fact, my post indicated that I would believe Jesus was a Black African before I would believe he was Caucasian.
Semitic people (and Arabs) are Caucasians. Just not the northern European version.

Similar to most Hispanics are Caucasian. Just browner than northern Europeans.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Semitic people (and Arabs) are Caucasians. Just not the northern European version.

Similar to most Hispanics are Caucasian. Just browner than northern Europeans.
OK ... I agree with that and also include Asian Indian and Afghans!
In today's PC world Caucasian usually means from European descent.
The terminology 'Caucasian' comes from the people who originated in and north of the Caucusus Mountains.

White versus Caucasian Versus Caucasoid
Caucasian, literally, refers to people native to the Caucasus, but it has become interchangeable with any number of ‘White’ populations, most of whom trace their ancestry to Europe.

One gets the feeling that the term ‘White’ fell out of favor and was replaced by ‘Caucasian’ much like ‘Black’ was replaced by ‘Afro-American’.

While the older classical physical anthropology terms like “Negroid” and “Caucasoid” fell into disuse after 1960, as you’d expect, “Caucasian” went through a renaissance in the 1990s. I think RPM’s supposition is probably correct, people wanted a pretentious term somewhat less coarse than white, and since most people are geography-challenged, “Caucasian” sounds good if you want to pose as the faux-sophisticate.


Well-Known Member
Semitic. Not really Arabs.
Yeshua is the name of the son not Jesus, the Roman Figure Head of the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity and so forth and so on. Black Africans as you them are the son of ham. hamites, Canaanites, Ethiopians, Egyptians, these are all black Africans. The people that you see in the Egypt today are not the original people they are all of Invader stock. The sons of Shem. Shemites Hebrew Israelites AKA African Americans(the tribe of Judah) and yes Yeshua the one that world ignorantly calls Jesus, and the people of the book that the world ignorantly calls African Americans are from the same bloodline. Read the book of Isaiah he is a prophet concerning Jerusalem and Judah and you will see which people on Earth exactly fit his prophecy...