
nowhere special
Yeshua is the name of the son not Jesus, the Roman Figure Head of the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity and so forth and so on. Black Africans as you them are the son of ham. hamites, Canaanites, Ethiopians, Egyptians, these are all black Africans. The people that you see in the Egypt today are not the original people they are all of Invader stock. The sons of Shem. Shemites Hebrew Israelites AKA African Americans(the tribe of Judah) and yes Yeshua the one that world ignorantly calls Jesus, and the people of the book that the world ignorantly calls African Americans are from the same bloodline. Read the book of Isaiah he is a prophet concerning Jerusalem and Judah and you will see which people on Earth exactly fit his prophecy...

The black Africans are descendants of Ham. Not Shem.

Yeshua, Joshua, Jesus, etc. are all variants of the same name


Well-Known Member
Semitic. Not really Arabs.
Somatic is a made-up term that is only about 200 years old. It does not have the same meeting meaning as shemitic. Arabs have only served as slave and taskmasters to the true Hebrew Israelites, they have no claims to the Holy Land at all.


nowhere special
Somatic is a made-up term that is only about 200 years old. It does not have the same meeting meaning as shemitic. Arabs have only served as slave and taskmasters to the true Hebrew Israelites, they have no claims to the Holy Land at all.
that word.png

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Yeshua is the name of the son not Jesus, the Roman Figure Head of the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity and so forth and so on. Black Africans as you them are the son of ham. hamites, Canaanites, Ethiopians, Egyptians, these are all black Africans. The people that you see in the Egypt today are not the original people they are all of Invader stock. The sons of Shem. Shemites Hebrew Israelites AKA African Americans(the tribe of Judah) and yes Yeshua the one that world ignorantly calls Jesus, and the people of the book that the world ignorantly calls African Americans are from the same bloodline. Read the book of Isaiah he is a prophet concerning Jerusalem and Judah and you will see which people on Earth exactly fit his prophecy...
Jesus would not recognize his name written as Yeshua but yeah, that's how we translate his Hebrew name and pronounce it today in the English language. Yeshua would recognize his name as ישוע.

Your mythology is cool with me as it makes no difference in the message and teachings of ישוע.


Well-Known Member
The black Africans are descendants of Ham. Not Shem.

Yeshua, Joshua, Jesus, etc. are all variants of the same name
I just said that black Africans, the people that are in Africa today not the Negro, not the so-called African American. Black Africans and negros(the true Hebrews of the Bible) are not the same people. Negroes and black Africans from Africa have different Y chromosomes, the genotypes are very different along with the skull structure. Negroes AKA African Americans have the same skull structure as the Hebrew slaves dug up in the ancient Egyptian Hebrew slave Graves. In order to understand what I'm telling you now you have to understand the etymology of the word Yeshua. In order to translate the word Hebrew word Yeshua to the English translation the word must have the same meaning in the end. Hebrew Yeshua and English Jesus does not have the same meaning, as a matter of fact there is no meaning for the English word Jesus. In plain English the English word Jesus has no meaning. If you want to know where the English name Jesus comes from you have to study Roman Catholicism and you will find your answer there.


Well-Known Member
Jesus would not recognize his name written as Yeshua but yeah, that's how we translate his Hebrew name and pronounce it today in the English language. Yeshua would recognize his name as ישוע.

Your mythology is cool with me as it makes no difference in the message and teachings of ישוע.
First of all the Messiah would know everything about all things, but point taken. What do you mean mythology everything that I'm telling you can be backed up by DNA science and the ever-living word of Yah!


Well-Known Member
If you are going by the Bible (which supposedly this discussion was about) the split is from sons of Noah. Long before Israel existed.
yes the floods we're way before The Exodus from Egypt, but you have to know who the people are in the beginning of any story before you can understand how the story goes, and that's the problem facing Roman Catholicism Christianity and so forth and so on they don't know or they are hiding who the true seed of Shem actually is. That's why everyone running around in church on Sunday seems to think that the Askenazi Jewish people who practice Judaism trotting down Jerusalem are the sons of Shem, when the Bible clearly tells you in genesis 10.5 that they are the sons of japheth and are the true Gentiles.