Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Unfortunately that's the way it is written, now either you believe the Bible or you don't.
Belief in the Bible is a faith based system ... not a factual or scientific based system of beliefs.
I do respect your right to whatever beliefs you may have.
Like Paul said in James 4:17 ...
If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them.


Well-Known Member
The Y chromosome is only passed down through the father so whatever your father is that's what you are. the migration of the Y chromosome here in the America's and all of the other slave ports scattered throughout the world carried by the majority of the slaves, but not all, (Hebrews AKA African Americans) can be traced all the way back to Israel. Haplogroup E1B1A which most so-called African Americans shows a migration back to Africa only to certain groups of so-called Africans that are not indigenous and then once their DNA is traced it shows that it goes back to Israel. Have you seen pictures of people that look like so-called African Americans and they have never left Africa, but at the same time they don't look like the black Africans that are indigenous there? That's because when the Romans and Assyrian wage war on Israel the Hebrews fled persecution down into Africa which they had always done for many of centuries. African people to this day call a so-called African Americans the people of the book because they know that they sold us into slavery, and yes some evil Hebrews sold his brother into slavery as well. I'm sure you heard yeah Africans sold Africans into slavery that's not true but it's not 100% false because the black Africans did sell the Hebrews into slavery but they knew that they were selling Hebrews into slavery and yes they did sell some of their own black Africans into slavery as well. The Ashkenazi khazar Jewish person does not carry this Gene the gene that the Ashkenazi Jewish person carries is one that all Europeans carry which, should tell one that they are all the same people. The Cohen gene or priest Gene is nothing but a hoax! When you study it you see that a large amount of people in the Middle East carry that same gene. There is a scientist by the name of Ron Dalton Jr who has written many books about this and has released one movie and will release another this July.
You've made suppositions, you haven't proven anything. What of women? They get an X chromosome from their father. You haven't explained why the slaves sold to the Americas didn't have Torahs or hadn't built temples in Africa. Go to or and check out your DNA. You'll find your ancestors came from most likely West Africa. You may even have some White in you. You're saying you're of the true Hebrews and today's Israelis aren't descended from them but are just Europeans. Your DNA will tell a different story but are you courageous enough to find the truth?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
And of course you don't push a point of view, do you?
I thought I did ... I guess it depends on how one defines 'push'.

I normally don't push a belief system but rather 'push' against faith based beliefs that rely on 'laws' and preach that there is one way and only one way.

I have my beliefs based a lifetime of Bible and comparative religion studies.


Well-Known Member
I thought I did ... I guess it depends on how one defines 'push'.

I normally don't push a belief system but rather 'push' against faith based beliefs that rely on 'laws' and preach that there is one way and only one way.

I have my beliefs based a lifetime of Bible and comparative religion studies.
If you start with the wrong hypothesis, you end with the wrong conclusion. For example, some like to say Muslims worship the same God, but they reject Jesus as the son of God. Jesus said he was the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through him. To tell Muslims they're ok as is because they worship the same God is giving them false hope if you believe Jesus is the son of God.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
If you start with the wrong hypothesis, you end with the wrong conclusion. For example, some like to say Muslims worship the same God, but they reject Jesus as the son of God. Jesus said he was the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through him. To tell Muslims they're ok as is because they worship the same God is giving them false hope if you believe Jesus is the son of God.
Nothing that you typed in that post contradicts that Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God.


Well-Known Member
The Dead Sea Scrolls exist ... that is a fact.
What the Essenes recorded on those scrolls are sacred text and therefore supernatural in nature with bits and pieces of historical information within those texts.
I happen to consider them sacred and full of wisdom.
That's great! But let's not leave out the ever-living prophecy found to be unfolding before our very eyes. Many books such as Genesis Deuteronomy Revelations The Book of Enoch the book of Isaiah concerning Jerusalem and Judah, I can go on and on and on.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
That's great! But let's not leave out the ever-living prophecy found to be unfolding before our very eyes. Many books such as Genesis Deuteronomy Revelations The Book of Enoch the book of Isaiah concerning Jerusalem and Judah,
I can go on and on and on.
Please don't! :wink-very:

Actually, I enjoy your point of view although you do not give any facts or science to back them up.


Well-Known Member
My beliefs include the ruach (Holy Spirit to me) and a powerful force that helps one understand their Higher Power's guidance.
They're the same God ... just different Human names.
If one believes the Old Testament then the God of the Jews is the same God that the Muslims believe in ... they just call their God 'Allah' while the Jews call their God 'Yahwah'. The Christians adopted the Old Testament as part of their Bible.
Your wording makes me wonder if your beliefs are based on Gnostic beliefs that were banned as the result of the Nicene Council based edicts from the Bishop/Pope of the Roman Catholic church.
It's good that you understand the ruach it will guide you. Islam idol worships and they reject Yeshua as the Messiah. Judaism also reject Yeshua as the Messiah and although they tell you that they follow the pentateuch the only way to become a priest in their religion is to have full knowledge of the Talmud. Christian's idol worship they do not follow the laws and statutes and they only take convenient parts from the Bible necessary to carry on with their religion plus they erect graven images to worship to. So although they may all be following the same God it would be hard to make an argument for that being the god of Father Abraham Isaac and Jacob. So it is written there be many gods...


Well-Known Member
By the way 30% of Mexico, about 50% or more of Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia are full blooded Native Americans. They aren't Negroids.
You do understand the part about there being 12 tribes don't you? They're not all going to look identical. You have the northern tribes in Jerusalem and the southern tribes in Judah they would most likely be from the northern tribe. But the Wooly here as seen in so-called African Americans the tribe of Judah that is the lion tribe where Yeshua spring from and they do have negroid features.


Well-Known Member
I believe in the Bible. Not 2000+ years later it's time to move on.
If you believe in the Bible and the Bible says the curses of the father will pursue the seed until the 4th generation then it is what it is. But like the Christians who pick and choose what they want to believe out of the Bible that's a whole different philosophy when it comes to belief. So I guess you have to get in where you fit in.