
Well-Known Member
You are suffering from the delusion of grandeur. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. There's no way did I can convince you because you have already been indoctrinated and you don't understand the way science works when it comes to the Y chromosome. You don't agree, okie dokie! I'm giving you the Y chromosome the true Hebrews back to Jerusalem and Judah. What scientific evidence that you have to dispute my evidence?
OK, explain to me how it works.


Well-Known Member
You are suffering from the delusion of grandeur. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. There's no way did I can convince you because you have already been indoctrinated and you don't understand the way science works when it comes to the Y chromosome. You don't agree, okie dokie! I'm giving you the Y chromosome the true Hebrews back to Jerusalem and Judah. What scientific evidence that you have to dispute my evidence?
By the way 30% of Mexico, about 50% or more of Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia are full blooded Native Americans. They aren't Negroids.


Well-Known Member
You are suffering from the delusion of grandeur. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. There's no way did I can convince you because you have already been indoctrinated and you don't understand the way science works when it comes to the Y chromosome. You don't agree, okie dokie! I'm giving you the Y chromosome the true Hebrews back to Jerusalem and Judah. What scientific evidence that you have to dispute my evidence?

You’re failing the Turing test.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Those people that you’re talking about, and white folk from Sweden, etc, are 99.9% genetically similar.

Any human you see is 99.9% genetically similar to you.

You’re genetically similar in this way:

96%. Chimpanzees
80% Cats
50-85%. Mice
80%. Cattle
60%. Bananas

Get over it.
Amen Brother!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If you are talking about me my good man just come with facts and debunked anything that I have said.
Your misinterpretation of Deut.29 was a start. That has been fulfilled along with every promise of God made to Israel.
Joshua, the aged leader of God's people, preparing to die, intensely told the Israelites, "The Lord gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein . . . There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass" (Josh. 21:4.3, 45).
ALL came to pass. Fact.
If you teach anything different than this would it be true or false?

Also your claim to being a direct physical descendant of Abraham is unreal. No Scripture at all to back it.
I am a a spiritual descendant of Abraham (according to the promise ) Are you?
"for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise." --Gal.3: 26-27
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Well-Known Member
OK, explain to me how it works.
The Y chromosome is only passed down through the father so whatever your father is that's what you are. the migration of the Y chromosome here in the America's and all of the other slave ports scattered throughout the world carried by the majority of the slaves, but not all, (Hebrews AKA African Americans) can be traced all the way back to Israel. Haplogroup E1B1A which most so-called African Americans shows a migration back to Africa only to certain groups of so-called Africans that are not indigenous and then once their DNA is traced it shows that it goes back to Israel. Have you seen pictures of people that look like so-called African Americans and they have never left Africa, but at the same time they don't look like the black Africans that are indigenous there? That's because when the Romans and Assyrian wage war on Israel the Hebrews fled persecution down into Africa which they had always done for many of centuries. African people to this day call a so-called African Americans the people of the book because they know that they sold us into slavery, and yes some evil Hebrews sold his brother into slavery as well. I'm sure you heard yeah Africans sold Africans into slavery that's not true but it's not 100% false because the black Africans did sell the Hebrews into slavery but they knew that they were selling Hebrews into slavery and yes they did sell some of their own black Africans into slavery as well. The Ashkenazi khazar Jewish person does not carry this Gene the gene that the Ashkenazi Jewish person carries is one that all Europeans carry which, should tell one that they are all the same people. The Cohen gene or priest Gene is nothing but a hoax! When you study it you see that a large amount of people in the Middle East carry that same gene. There is a scientist by the name of Ron Dalton Jr who has written many books about this and has released one movie and will release another this July.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You may dismiss the Dead Sea Scrolls as mythology but if you do your research you understand that there is historical fact to back it up.
The Dead Sea Scrolls exist ... that is a fact.
What the Essenes recorded on those scrolls are sacred text and therefore supernatural in nature with bits and pieces of historical information within those texts.
I happen to consider them sacred and full of wisdom.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Yahweh has not given the ruach unto all... I would not say that all of these religions worship the same God, because they all take from The Book of Life, what they will it may seem to the unlearned that they are worshiping the same God though...
My beliefs include the ruach (Holy Spirit to me) and a powerful force that helps one understand their Higher Power's guidance.
They're the same God ... just different Human names.
If one believes the Old Testament then the God of the Jews is the same God that the Muslims believe in ... they just call their God 'Allah' while the Jews call their God 'Yahwah'. The Christians adopted the Old Testament as part of their Bible.
Your wording makes me wonder if your beliefs are based on Gnostic beliefs that were banned as the result of the Nicene Council based edicts from the Bishop/Pope of the Roman Catholic church.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You may claims! I am simply asking you to back it up with facts, or what you believe to be the facts. I haven't asked you to do anything more than what you've seen me done the whole time I've been on this thread. I think it's fair to be able to ask you to back up your statement with facts.
As soon as you back up your beliefs with facts, I'll do the same.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yeah, right!!!
I know what preaching is and that's all you've done.
Get in line behind Van, BrownFlush and Oldngray with your preaching.
You not only don't have any facts, you lie about your proselytizing.
What saith the scripture?
I'll quote it. Fact. No lie.
You don't like it? You don't accept it?
Don't cry. Just deny.
Live it up. Choice.