Looking like 2013 peak for sure here in NorCal. Preload started an hour early yet they were no where near to being wrapped by the time pcm was over. Ended up leaving at 9:30 after the manager told everyone to just leave whatever else was on the belt. Drove off with hella stuff still on the slide. Sure enough, 210 stops and 36 pickups later at 9:30pm I finish with 45 stops still showing in EDD. I hate the day after a holiday. Always double the business stops, meaning I have to struggle just to finish them before pickups. Add on the fact that the dispatch girl is having trouble assigning stuff with Orion and ends up putting residential areas in section 1 and 2. I complain and she says that since they have the residential NDA in trace she has no choice but to put it like that. Basically our ish is all friend'ed up.