
It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I can always count on you to rehash the same tired DNC talking points. Will we get the rest of the list of aged DNC commentary tomorrow?
How do you see reality as just a talking point? Trump and Ryan put up some pile of garbage legislation as their plan to "fix" the ACA. They couldn't get republicans to vote for it. One would think they'd have a plan ready to drop as soon as they got in office after passing repeal bills 70 times over the last 7 years. They failed, they have no plan, they are incompetent.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Well after making the bill worse, it sounds like they have the votes to pass the house. They refuse to even publish the bill for the public to read and refuse to let the CBO give a score and assessment of how many people will be hurt by this bill. The party of fiscal repsonsibilty has no interest in knowing how much their legislation will cost. They are truly terrible.


Nine Lives
Well after making the bill worse, it sounds like they have the votes to pass the house. They refuse to even publish the bill for the public to read and refuse to let the CBO give a score and assessment of how many people will be hurt by this bill. The party of fiscal responsibility has no interest in knowing how much their legislation will cost. They are truly terrible.
You talking about Obamacare?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You talking about Obamacare?
The law that took 18 months? No I'm talking about the steaming pile that is being passed now. It's like Obamacare but doesn't actually provide coverage for people. Even worse case and it passes I guess I'll save money because I'm relatively rich and the proposed tax credits are better for me than the ACA subsidies, but it's a bad bill. If will hurt a lot of people.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I think you meant it will quit helping a lot of people.
I think hurt people is accurate. The reporting is saying even employers will be able to choose regulations in the states that provide the lowest coverage. The only plans that will end up being offered will be in states that opt out of the provisions of the ACA. That will hurt a lot of people.


Nine Lives
I think hurt people is accurate. The reporting is saying even employers will be able to choose regulations in the states that provide the lowest coverage. The only plans that will end up being offered will be in states that opt out of the provisions of the ACA. That will hurt a lot of people.
Sounds like an opinion.
I respect your opinion.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Well after making the bill worse, it sounds like they have the votes to pass the house. They refuse to even publish the bill for the public to read and refuse to let the CBO give a score and assessment of how many people will be hurt by this bill. The party of fiscal repsonsibilty has no interest in knowing how much their legislation will cost. They are truly terrible.
Everyday the GOP and/or drumpf give me a new WTF moment.


Well-Known Member
The press conference was funny - Trump and Ryan etc. jerking each other off.

Aside from the pesky fact that the AHA needs to go through the Senate, I'm not sure why they're so happy.

They keep talking about making things better for Americans, but that's not what they just passed - all they did was repeal the higher taxes the ACA levied, which I suppose was their point.

Other than that, most things just got worse for everyone else.

Oh well.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The press conference was funny - Trump and Ryan etc. jerking each other off.

Aside from the pesky fact that the AHA needs to go through the Senate, I'm not sure why they're so happy.

They keep talking about making things better for Americans, but that's not what they just passed - all they did was repeal the higher taxes the ACA levied, which I suppose was their point.

Other than that, most things just got worse for everyone else.

Oh well.
They're happy because they finally "won" something. They know it is a bad bill that will hurt everyone except millionaires and they are happy about that. None of them even talk about the bill and how it would solve the problems of the ACA. They just cheer their win. Despicable people.