Yes, the recent retirees will receive more per month than some of the past retirees. The part about it not suppose to decrease, I don't think we have any control over. Somethings gotta give, if you can't sustain the payouts going forward you have to adjust somewhere. Which leads me to my point....a lot of the recent and future retirees have had the accrual rate cut in half which, even though the per hour contributions are higher the payouts may not be more than the past retirees payouts. The cuts seem to come from the recent and future retirees, and maybe the past retirees should absorb some of the pain as well. Me personally, I hope not so my pension will stay at what it will be with no reductions.
I'm not sure I'm understanding what many are saying here, so I'm guessing a bit.
The recent retirees are receiving more because the standard of living has increased compared to someone who retired 20 years ago. It's a no-brainer that there should have been COLA included in our retirement plans, but lucky for our representatives, we have many brothers who are quick to say; we're lucky to have any retirement plan at all. We let our leaders off easy. We've paid a lot in dues, I assure you our leaders are in no danger of losing their pensions. We pay millions in dues and have received mediocre representation. We complain about our leaders, and we make excuses for our leaders. Then we complain again because our contract is marginal at best, then we re-elect the same people who did to you in the first place. Then we complain some more because the people who we repeatedly put into office, continue to do the same thing they did before. Sorry, I'm off on a tangent.
As far as where the cuts are. I would assume they are across the board. recent retirees should not be absorbing the majority. Makes no sense, if that's true. The cuts should actually be made in future retirees, if any difference is made. People who already retired, have no chance to prepare for the change. people still working, can do the math and adjust. It's wrong to tell people; this is the amount you will get for the rest of your life if you retire now. Then change the amount after they retire!!! But that will not happen. Union leaders will not cut the retirees pension, while they are active. The active employee STILL VOTES!! The retiree doesn't!! Fortunately for Union leaders, many of us are too stupid to realize we're just cutting our own throats later on! DUH!!