To add to your already clear and concise answer, one must not forget about the first year drivers still in progression. Some of whom are going to be looking at a substantial increase of $1.50 straight or $2.25 OT. If this contract does carry on past August 1, 2014 then they will be looking at even more.
With those numbers, $3500 could very well be an attainable figure. Now whether or not the company will actually pay that, is the true question. I would just like to know how much interest UPS is earning on having all that money set aside in escrow and why the interest does not go towards the members.
Off subject a little, but in another life, a class action suit was filed regarding us non-salaried employees being on call carrying pagers. Long story short, after the suit was settled and the on call pay was hashed out for every hour, the state ended up having to pay the interest to us as well. I know that our situation is a negotiated contract deal but I'd be willing to bet that if there was a class action suit filed, then UPS would be required to also pay the interest. Just my 2 pennies.