I never said such a thing. What I did comment about was the FOUNDERS belief that it was OK to be an athesist and also to hold elected office. Its in the constitution. I believe with the founders assertions on religion allbeit growing up catholic.
This issue does not make me think negatively about the president. I understand where he is coming from. As a hispanic growing up in east LA, I watched as people popped out kids left and right without regard to contraception because the church encourages it. Every child in a hispanic family who truly follows the churches instructions believes each pregnancy is an act of GOD whether married or unmarried, and after conception they believe the STATE needs to assist them in raising that child and/or children.
Why should the goverment be forced to pay for children spawned by the encouragement of the catholic church? If the church wants millions of children to be born no matter what circumstances they are born in, then why dont we FORCE the church to pay for them?
The bigger problem with this issue is the fact that many of the policies held by employees of religious organizations pay for almost half of the costs of the premium and to force them to go outside their policies and pay 100% out of pocket for services every other american can get with their insurance is ridiculously unfair.
To say that a doctor, can deny a patient a service because that doctors religious beliefs stand in the way is a violation of that patients rights as a citizen. For that doctor to take taxpayer money and then not comply with the rest of the nation is outrageous.
TO me, I find it hilarious how some on this board (no names mentioned) only a year ago, were condemning the catholic church as a corrupt organization and there were calls for pulling of all goverment aid to the church. Those same persons were saying that the catholic church was riddled with homosexuals and their actions hurting the country by providing santuary cities for illegal aliens.
That same catholic church that provides a safety net for illegals encourages them to stay here, bring their entire families and then encouraging reproducing without any contraception running up the costs to the taxpayers for each of them and those same people are NOW SUPPORTING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH????
What the heck? Have they lost their minds? Did they forget about illegals, welfare and food stamps? Now people want to come to the aid of the catholic church?
Get serious. Like I said, pick a side and stay on that side. Either you support the Catholic church entirely and the damage done to our cities with illegals and children born to illegals, or you dont.
The right wing wants to argue only when convenient. If you support the churches position that contraception should not be allowed, then you must support all the children born out of that religious freedom without complaining.