I have some research to do on this but a local news show reported that the phone companies provided over one billion dollars to provide cell phones with one hundred and twenty five minutes each month for people on welfare. To get the one billion the phone companies add a twenty dollar fee to all of our phone bills. Supposedly the federal government was involved in this deal. Many of these people have four to five phones a month --no oversight controls !!
How is this not considered a tax increase for all of us ???
Government website has "one stop shop"
"Free" --Welfare credit cards, free food stamps, Cell phones, cars, housing, education,food stamps, health care,unemployment,
social security disability etc etc. Claim for food -not alcohol --but the website points out --use your card for "cash"
Many people with all benefits combined well over 34,000 tax free per year. Why look for work ??
Instead of thanking the taxpayers , these people and OUR PRESIDENT feel that people that have educated themselves, worked very long hours for many very long years and have not milked off of society --but rather contribute to and provide a great safety net --are not thanked-- but villianized as "not paying their share"