Road Rage!


Legio patria nostra
Picture a short dude with 3lbs of hair gel on his head, wearing women’s jeans and a tight v-neck shirt.
Yeah...I can see it now


Only way outs inna box
Yeah, they’re stupid looking. I wanted to make fun of his ride but I knew it would only escalate things. Picture a short dude with 3lbs of hair gel on his head, wearing women’s jeans and a tight v-neck shirt getting out of that vehicle to rage at you. It was like some sort of dystopian clown car scene. I wish I didn’t care about my job because I really wanted to punt that jabroni back into the early 2000’s.
Was this in portland?


Well-Known Member
No, but totally something you’d see in Portland Oregon. I forgot to mention he was wearing cowboy boots too, like a pathetic Jason Aldean poser.
Dude Aldean rocks. Throw on a Resistol hat and wear them boots proud. Avoid the chaps. That’s definitely a poser move 😀😀


I’ll try to keep this as short as possible but a lot happened in a very short time.

Had this idiot in a Rivian cut me off today, I was so close to rear ending him that I heard packages slam against my bulkhead door when I hit the brakes. Naturally I laid on the horn. What’s this idiot do? Accelerate about 30 feet then try to brake check me, only problem was I was pretty much at a dead stop. I switched to the right lane to try and get around him but he cut me off again and brake checked me. I yelled as loud as I could, “What the * are you doing?” His windows were down so I knew he heard me.

This dude gets out of his car, truck, whatever the hell it is and walks up to me on the driver‘s side door. I closed the door so he stopped, starts pointing at me and says “You want some of this?” (with a lot of curse words and insults) I told him to get back in his vehicle. He doesn’t, instead he starts walking toward my passenger side. Red faced, cursing, very erratic behavior.

Now I’m thinking this guy is insane so I put my truck in park, unbuckled and stood at the top of the steps. One hand on railing with my right leg cocked back as he approaches the open door. I didn’t even hear what he was saying because my adrenaline was pumping so hard. In the most aggressive tone I could muster I screamed, “GET BACK IN YOUR VEHICLE OR I WILL KICK YOUR * TEETH IN!” At this point he is standing with one foot at the bottom step of the package car. He pauses, likely realizing the disadvantage he’s in and backed off.

“Ooooh you gonna threaten me you ***** I’m calling the cops!“ Pulls his phone out and takes a picture of the license plate, all while crying about getting me fired and filing a lawsuit. After a minute long meltdown he finally gets back in his stupid car/truck/whatever and drives off. This was on a two lane road, so during the entire altercation vehicles were struggling to get by becsuse we were blocking the right lane. I called my sup as soon as possible and told him about it. He said, “was there any physical violence?“ I said no and he says, “Okay you should be fine, we will deal with it if someone calls in. It’s probably some lunatic, so forget about it.” I also called my shop steward to give him a heads up. He made me feel a little better with his own road rage story that was even more heated.

Anyway, that was my day today. I’ve never had anything like this happen to me. There is a good chance this dude was on drugs, his behavior was out of control. When he set his foot on the bottom step for a couple seconds I pulled my foot back ready to kick him with everything I had. My inner voice was saying, “DO IT! DO IT NOW!” Luckily he backed off. In that moment I could have easily broke that guy‘s jaw, and most likely lost my job in the process.

Have any of you guys been involved in road rage incidents, or am I a nutcase? I don‘t even know right now. I need a little comfort right now, not gonna lie.

You’re in the wrong tough guy keep your doors shut and mouth shut when in a brown truck
This wouldn’t have ended well for you if it had went any farther stil might not
You are all pansies. Any and all violence is justified, whether it's in self defense or indulgence. In this situation a swift kick to the head and 15000 pounds of package car running over their bleeding carcass is a win. Rage and hatred reign supreme. Get some blood on your hands and remember kills for thrills


Well-Known Member
You’re in the wrong tough guy keep your doors shut and mouth shut when in a brown truck
This wouldn’t have ended well for you if it had went any farther stil might not
You’re right, I should have just sat there and let the dude jump up in the cab and start beating me.


Well-Known Member
You are all pansies. Any and all violence is justified, whether it's in self defense or indulgence. In this situation a swift kick to the head and 15000 pounds of package car running over their bleeding carcass is a win. Rage and hatred reign supreme. Get some blood on your hands and remember kills for thrills
Sometimes violence of action is your only option. Quick and overwhelming use of force.
You’re right, I should have just sat there and let the dude jump up in the cab and start beating me.
I know it is hard to think straight in these situations but take your phone out and start recording. At least you will have something to back you up. Otherwise it is your word against theirs and the company always sides with the customer.


Well-Known Member
I know it is hard to think straight in these situations but take your phone out and start recording. At least you will have something to back you up. Otherwise it is your word against theirs and the company always sides with the customer.
That is a good idea, I just didn’t feel like it would persuade this dude to stop what he was doing. I mean this guy was out of his mind. Probably going through a nasty divorce or something and just snapped. There are cameras at every intersection and we were less than 100 feet away from one, hopefully that would have helped if things went south.