Rockdale, il location

You are just pulling those years out of your butt.
No way you could tell from a picture.
Ridiculous simply ridiculous
I can tell by the body design
I'm sure I'm pretty close

You used to be able to tell by the package card number but they have such random numbers anymore you have no clue what size of the truck is

They ran out of numbers so they just assign random numbers and stupid they could have just added an extra zero the end


Just a turd
I couldn't drive one of those anymore
I did for the first probably 20 years of my career
I got stuck with those on a split car I used to run , All the drivers who I had stops from were tooling around in power steering, low step newer ones. Waving at me as they were going ba k to the center and I was still delivering their stops..... I hated those :censored2:s back then