roll away, never shown / told hand brake tightening

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Well-Known Member
They most likely owned up (behaved like an adult) to the fact they botched up by not making sure the handbrake was engaged.
I dout any of them went on an endless "not my fault, it is YOUR fault" tyrade from the time it happened, continuing for weeks after.
In this case, never taking responsibility for the mishap gets you nowhere fast.
no one wants to talk about hitting pedestrians, ok fine. silence says a million words. I did have the parking brake engaged. the truck sat there for 2 minutes. if the house had been closer id been back in the truck 30 seconds sooner. apparently thats all i would have needed. but these other dudes get in mangled accidents but because of some arbitrary contract language specifically only targeting a rollaway as cardinal- they are actually allowing proven dangerous drivers to continue driving. it has nothing to do with safety. being unsafe isnt a cardinal sin, just one particular type of accident. what kind of sense does that make?


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no one wants to talk about hitting pedestrians, ok fine. silence says a million words. I did have the parking brake engaged. the truck sat there for 2 minutes. if the house had been closer id been back in the truck 30 seconds sooner. apparently thats all i would have needed. but these other dudes get in mangled accidents but because of some arbitrary contract language specifically only targeting a rollaway as cardinal- they are actually allowing proven dangerous drivers to continue driving. it has nothing to do with safety. being unsafe isnt a cardinal sin, just one particular type of accident. what kind of sense does that make?
Because it can be a very serious accident when an unattended vehicle rolls away. It also show that you are careless and irresponsible.

And if you had the wheels curbed it probably wouldn't have rolled very far


true story

you might ask why in 2013 we are still transporting oil?








an absolute *ing disgrace of a human being.
i was bad at giving car lengths i would always use points of reference
Point of reference is just 25, 10, easy, AAAANNNNNNNND that'll do. Stretch em

make sure you get emphasis on the word and, the inflection and tone could mean the difference between 200 ft


@11.19igrad is pretty much the only type of person I know that would be so honest over the radio...
the 2 highlights of my railway career would be doing donuts with a coworker in teh yard and he kicked a rock up and smashed the glass

another one is we have the trucks with the shifter near the wheel, and if your not careful it can end up between R and P and fall back to R. so i got out and was doing air on probation and i noticed the lights changed and the car was rolling backward. so i jumped in and didnt smash it.


Well-Known Member
Dude this thread is 40 pages long of you complaining, I don’t have the energy to read through all of it.
if thats all im doing is "complaining" and it bothers you then maybe GO AWAY. Im peeling the layers of BS surrounding a major event in MY LIFE.
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