Blimp factoids,HISTORY OF THE BLIMPSince 1925, Goodyear blimps have adorned the skies as very visible corporate icons of the world's largest tire and rubber company that began operations in 1898.
In the 1930s, Goodyear built two giant rigid airships for the Navy. Within their envelopes, they had internal metal frames used to maintain their shape. The aircraft measured more than two football fields in length and needed 6.5 million cubic feet of helium to become airborne at its gross weight of more than 400,000 pounds.
The USS Akron and USS Macon were designed as aerial aircraft carriers and could launch and retrieve specially equipped planes while in flight. Although a good concept, sadly, both airships were lost in storms within two years of going into service, effectively ending the era of the rigid airships.
In the 1940s and 1950s, Goodyear built a series of large surveillance airships used to protect merchant fleets along the coast. They also served as early warning radar stations. Some of these airships could stay aloft for more than a week at a time. In fact, an airship of this type still holds the flying endurance record of 11 days in flight. The airship was a Goodyear-built ZPG-2 called the Snow Bird. In March 1957, it flew from Weymouth, Massachusetts, to Europe and Africa and back to Key West, Florida, without refueling or landing. Today, Goodyear operates three airships in the United States -- the Spirit of America, based in the City of Carson, California; the Spirit of Goodyear, based in Akron, Ohio; and the Spirit of Innovation, based in Pompano Beach, Florida.
Over the years, there has been a lot of speculation about the derivation of the term blimp.
The most plausible explanation, experts claim, is that the name originated with Lt. A.D. Cunningham of Great Britain's Royal Navy Air Service. He commanded the air station at Capel, England, during World War I.
As the story goes, while conducting a weekly inspection of the station, Cunningham playfully flipped his thumb at the envelope of His Majesty's Airship SS-12 and an odd noise echoed off the taut fabric.
"Blimp!" he cried out humorously, imitating the sound. As they say the rest is history.
I myslef am Independant registred, If Ron paul doesnt win will you vote for the republican canidate against Obama or Clinton? If Ron Paul goes as Independant, then I would feel that Clinto or Obama would win as the conservative vote will lose votes to Ron Paul
I myslef am Independant registred, If Ron paul doesnt win will you vote for the republican canidate against Obama or Clinton? If Ron Paul goes as Independant, then I would feel that Clinto or Obama would win as the conservative vote will lose votes to Ron Paul
Why would you support a Current Rep.Candidate If Ron Paul so staunchley opposes meddling in the middle east and irresponsible spending and borrowing and following the constitution to the tee? It goes against his own philosophy of taking back the rep. party from the Neo's and bringing it back to the Goldwater days of tradition reps.
One other tidbit, I heard on one talk show that the bulk of Ron Pauls supporters and contributors are under the age of 32. Is this a sign of things to come from young reps and independents or just an internet craze.
brett636 said:Because even a bad day with a republican controlled government is better than the best day with a communist...err democrat controlled government.
That's funny, I thought the more liberal leaning views of the democrats was all about liberating. Sounds to me the exact opposite of communism. Lets hope GW and "Mad Dog" Chaney relinquish power when their term is up.
Offering social healthcare and eraticating tax cuts for the wealthy considered all out communism? I suppose the right likes to Ann Coulterize words thru exaggeration and label communism to Democrats. I don't know why they do. Maybe because they hear it over and over again from the TV and radio waves for reassurance that there right and were wrong.
Have we ever had an American era (besides wartime or depression) ruled by social domination, Republican or Democrat. I'm sure "The Historian" WKMAC can answer that.
Brett636 said:Interesting tidbit of information. I've heard and read some wild accusations about Ron Paul. None of which really changes my initial decision to not support him in his candidacy. I feel he is strong principled in his beliefs, many of which I support, but his proposed foreign policy is downright dangerous. The enemies of the United States would much welcome a President who promises to never use the military in an offensive manner. We benefit as a country when we are feared by our enemies.
I'm not so sure about ever watch the military channel or Discovery Channel's Future Weapons programs? That would strike fear into me if I was the enemy. Besides I'd much rather have gains in alliances than losses. Which makes us a much more, powerful and serious conventional threat to major powers like China or Russia without the threat of nuclear holocaust. When The US and most free willed countries stand together as one, thats where we will beneifit as a country and gain overwhelming UNITY. Intentionally striking fear in a offensive manner is not a practise use in most forms of disciplined martial arts nor should be used as a freedom fighting military tactic. Knowingly able to defend your borders and your allies first and foremost, secondly, then go in for the offensive kill thru defensive counter attacks that breeds justification, unity and strength. I guess thats why we call it The Department of Defense.
out...Have a good Xmas.
That's funny, I thought the more liberal leaning views of the democrats was all about liberating. Sounds to me the exact opposite of communism. Lets hope GW and "Mad Dog" Chaney relinquish power when their term is up.
Offering social healthcare and eraticating tax cuts for the wealthy considered all out communism? I suppose the right likes to Ann Coulterize words thru exaggeration and label communism to Democrats. I don't know why they do. Maybe because they hear it over and over again from the TV and radio waves for reassurance that there right and were wrong.
Have we ever had an American era (besides wartime or depression) ruled by social domination, Republican or Democrat. I'm sure "The Historian" WKMAC can answer that.
I'm not so sure about ever watch the military channel or Discovery Channel's Future Weapons programs? That would strike fear into me if I was the enemy. Besides I'd much rather have gains in alliances than losses. Which makes us a much more, powerful and serious conventional threat to major powers like China or Russia without the threat of nuclear holocaust. When The US and most free willed countries stand together as one, thats where we will beneifit as a country and gain overwhelming UNITY. Intentionally striking fear in a offensive manner is not a practise use in most forms of disciplined martial arts nor should be used as a freedom fighting military tactic. Knowingly able to defend your borders and your allies first and foremost, secondly, then go in for the offensive kill thru defensive counter attacks that breeds justification, unity and strength. I guess thats why we call it The Department of Defense.
out...Have a good Xmas.
I see nothing "liberating" about giving your government more control over you life whether its health care, retirement, or anything else. Everytime you give up part of your life to your government you are giving away a piece of your liberty. As the quote in my sig says, a government that can do anything for you is capable of doing anything to you. Those are not the principles this country was founded upon. Raising taxes on the wealthy is simply wealth redistribution, but that is a fact you seem to ignore over and over again. "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." This quote appears to fully encompass your political views.
Once again, over exaggerating a democratic democracy as taking your liberty's away has never been the formula the party stands for. Overseeing a mixed economy with neccessary regulations and safeguards of protecting US citizens from Gov't and Corperations from have to much power and facilitating our society towards facisism is no way what our forefathers intended. The commonwealth is who the constitution was written for and the principles this country was founded upon, by the people for the people, not the exclusive rich, not the corperations, and not the Gov't. How ironic a Teamster would have views as relinquishing his rights to the corperation and gov't working hand in hand.
Once again, over exaggerating a democratic democracy as taking your liberty's away has never been the formula the party stands for. Overseeing a mixed economy with neccessary regulations and safeguards of protecting US citizens from Gov't and Corperations from have to much power and facilitating our society towards facisism is no way what our forefathers intended. The commonwealth is who the constitution was written for and the principles this country was founded upon, by the people for the people, not the exclusive rich, not the corperations, and not the Gov't. How ironic a Teamster would have views as relinquishing his rights to the corperation and gov't working hand in hand.
We benefit as a country when we are feared by our enemies.
You'd make one heck of a center manager.
You'd make one heck of a center manager.