I will try to explain it Sensai, as long as I don't recieve the 300 word lecture and essay. I hope I can snatch the grasshopper from your palm !
All kidding aside,If more people have a better paying job, benefits and a sense of security, the more likely they are to stimulate the economy in the form of (housing,investments, purchasing power,etc....) And the more likely they would be less burden to Gov't spending and programs such as ( healthcare, welfare, bankruptcies, credit debit, etc....)
Do I know where your going with this, I'm not sure. But I think you will ask me, "Can the free market afford such wages, benefits,and security"?
It depends....Depends on margin of profit gains business are willing to compromise, depends on leaving our goods ,services and manufacturing here in the U.S., more exporting and less importing, a willingness for a more fruitful better compensated middleclass to start spending a little bit more on purchases and in house investments with gov't incentives on increased tax cuts and deductions ( not just for the wealthy). If we are going to allow tax breaks for the rich and prosperus it's only fair they invest in their domestic people and economy too. You can't have your cake and eat it to. Thats just off the top of my head, don't make me google and research this ...please be kind in your retort, which I usally respect and consider...Peace
and Merry New Year (like Eddie Murphy said in "Trading Places")