Ron Paul Raises Over 3.8 Million ON Monday


Well-Known Member
I know this is a crazy scenario but I'm gonna ask it anyway. For those of you who will vote republican and nothing else, what will you do on the first Tuesday in Nov. if the ballot reads like this:

Hillary Clinton- Democrat ______

Ron Paul- Republican ________

Cynthia McKinney- Green Party ___________

I know! I know! But politics do strange things sometimes and there were those who thought Goldwater getting the party nob was pure lunacy and we know the history of 1964' and Ron is very much in the same mold as Goldwater.

Just a bit silly curious!


Well-Known Member
You couldn't be further from the truth. The country was founded upon the rights of the individual to pursue whatever makes himself/herself happy. Not cradle to the grave entitlements, and definitely less, not more, government control over their lives.

Yes, pursue whatever makes the individual or entity content and prosperous until the individual/entity effects the saftey and well being of others, and infringe and prey on the rights of free and innocent citizens. Without a certain degree of regulations some of the "happy" or profit hunger individuals and entitys will succomb to the almighty profit at the expence of the innocent. We're not living in the wild west anymore. People and Business have to answer and take responsibility for "cause and effect" due to negligence.

You seem so quick to put down corporations, when all they do is produce and provide the goods and services you and I enjoy everyday. The regulations you mentioned only make it more expensive for the consumer.

The regulations save lives and protects it's citizens. The higher expenses come from the shareholders demand for maximun profit at all cost.

Its a private corporation which produces that motorcycle in your avatar, but its the government that requires them to put useless smog control devices on it making it more expensive for you to purchase.
When it comes to gasoline the government mandates some 30+ different blends of gasoline depending on what region of the country it is going to leading to higher prices for everyone.

Since your an expert on air quality,you should know certain states have "Clean Air" acts. And like it or not I believe the folks living in those areas demanded and appreciate breathing cleaner air. Also, mfg and aftermarket companies all profit from selling upgrades to standard equipment.

More government regulation only hurts those on the lower end of the income scales, and those are the very people you act like you want to help. What I find ironic is someone whose paycheck comes from a corporation is so quick to turn around and blame corporations for the worlds problems.

More like greed and profits hurt lower end income recipients. By regulating and prohibiting unsafe, and unethical practises many have lowered employee pay scales and benefits or move their offices and plants overseas period. Hence, slowly eradicating the middle class,which BTW sucks for our economy.
Worlds problems via corperations, ....Lets see conflicts, unethical practises over gold, diamonds, OIL to name a few, influencing Gov'ts selling out to Corperations,Banks and Financial Institutions.

I am an American first, teamster second.

By me being a Teamster, it makes me a more productive and contributing American than to have a equivilant job without contractual representation.


Well-Known Member
By me being a Teamster, it makes me a more productive and contributing American than to have a equivilant job without contractual representation.


On the surface I would absolutely disagree in the above as in this applies in any and all cases but in fairness you have peaked my curiousity as to how you arrived at the logic to support the claim. Maybe you see this from an angle I've never considered.

If you'd like to explain it, I'd enjoy hearing what you have to say to support it. Maybe you do have a point and I'm willing to listen so the floor is your's my man!


Well-Known Member

On the surface I would absolutely disagree in the above as in this applies in any and all cases but in fairness you have peaked my curiousity as to how you arrived at the logic to support the claim. Maybe you see this from an angle I've never considered.

If you'd like to explain it, I'd enjoy hearing what you have to say to support it. Maybe you do have a point and I'm willing to listen so the floor is your's my man!

I will try to explain it Sensai, as long as I don't recieve the 300 word lecture and essay. I hope I can snatch the grasshopper from your palm !

All kidding aside,If more people have a better paying job, benefits and a sense of security, the more likely they are to stimulate the economy in the form of (housing,investments, purchasing power,etc....) And the more likely they would be less burden to Gov't spending and programs such as ( healthcare, welfare, bankruptcies, credit debit, etc....)
Do I know where your going with this, I'm not sure. But I think you will ask me, "Can the free market afford such wages, benefits,and security"?
It depends....Depends on margin of profit gains business are willing to compromise, depends on leaving our goods ,services and manufacturing here in the U.S., more exporting and less importing, a willingness for a more fruitful better compensated middleclass to start spending a little bit more on purchases and in house investments with gov't incentives on increased tax cuts and deductions ( not just for the wealthy). If we are going to allow tax breaks for the rich and prosperus it's only fair they invest in their domestic people and economy too. You can't have your cake and eat it to. Thats just off the top of my head, don't make me google and research this ...please be kind in your retort, which I usally respect and consider...Peace:peaceful: and Merry New Year (like Eddie Murphy said in "Trading Places")


Well-Known Member
I will try to explain it Sensai, as long as I don't recieve the 300 word lecture and essay. I hope I can snatch the grasshopper from your palm !

All kidding aside,If more people have a better paying job, benefits and a sense of security, the more likely they are to stimulate the economy in the form of (housing,investments, purchasing power,etc....) And the more likely they would be less burden to Gov't spending and programs such as ( healthcare, welfare, bankruptcies, credit debit, etc....)
Do I know where your going with this, I'm not sure. But I think you will ask me, "Can the free market afford such wages, benefits,and security"?
It depends....Depends on margin of profit gains business are willing to compromise, depends on leaving our goods ,services and manufacturing here in the U.S., more exporting and less importing, a willingness for a more fruitful better compensated middleclass to start spending a little bit more on purchases and in house investments with gov't incentives on increased tax cuts and deductions ( not just for the wealthy). If we are going to allow tax breaks for the rich and prosperus it's only fair they invest in their domestic people and economy too. You can't have your cake and eat it to. Thats just off the top of my head, don't make me google and research this ...please be kind in your retort, which I usally respect and consider...Peace:peaceful: and Merry New Year (like Eddie Murphy said in "Trading Places")

I thought that might be from where you came and it is a valid point. A broader raised standard of living, a solid middle class if you will, is a very healthy thing. Just curious if that was where you were coming from. Best New Year Wishes yourself and that goes for everyone here.


Well-Known Member
Hey, almost forgot Diesel, here's a link to a piece about Ron Paul concerning the objections of the left from an admitted leftist. The writer uses the objections of Noam Chomsky to address the concerns. I found it an interesting read myself so I wanted to throw it your way.
Be Cool!

You know, it would be funny if Ron won the nomination and he was up against Hillary because I'd love to see some of these loyal republicans have to either not vote at all or vote write in or 3rd party. For so many years I've heard those same people squall about me wasting my vote when I took those routes and now the shoe is on the other foot or would it be they have their foot in their mouth!


I've got a dilemia myself in that should I cave in to 25 plus years of protest in not voting democrat or republican in federal campaigns and vote for Ron on Super Tuesday in the hopes that I could help bring forth the nightmare scenario for the republican party? It is a tempting thought!

Do they allow you to hold your nose while you vote?



Well-Known Member
I thought that might be from where you came and it is a valid point. A broader raised standard of living, a solid middle class if you will, is a very healthy thing. Just curious if that was where you were coming from. Best New Year Wishes yourself and that goes for everyone here.

If you use the Diesel plan how would you do this without Carter like inflation? In the end I believe the Diesel plan would cause the greatest divide between the rich and the poor.


Well-Known Member
I will try to explain it Sensai, as long as I don't recieve the 300 word lecture and essay. I hope I can snatch the grasshopper from your palm !

All kidding aside,If more people have a better paying job, benefits and a sense of security, the more likely they are to stimulate the economy in the form of (housing,investments, purchasing power,etc....) And the more likely they would be less burden to Gov't spending and programs such as ( healthcare, welfare, bankruptcies, credit debit, etc....)
Do I know where your going with this, I'm not sure. But I think you will ask me, "Can the free market afford such wages, benefits,and security"?
It depends....Depends on margin of profit gains business are willing to compromise, depends on leaving our goods ,services and manufacturing here in the U.S., more exporting and less importing, a willingness for a more fruitful better compensated middleclass to start spending a little bit more on purchases and in house investments with gov't incentives on increased tax cuts and deductions ( not just for the wealthy). If we are going to allow tax breaks for the rich and prosperus it's only fair they invest in their domestic people and economy too. You can't have your cake and eat it to. Thats just off the top of my head, don't make me google and research this ...please be kind in your retort, which I usally respect and consider...Peace:peaceful: and Merry New Year (like Eddie Murphy said in "Trading Places")

Apparently someone slept through economics 101. The incentive for profits are what drives business. If UPS decides they cannot earn a profit you and I will be out of a job. With the pressures of competition, government regulation, and other costs turning a profit can sometimes be a daunting task. Despite what you believe the drive for profit is how free enterprise can accomplish tasks more efficiently than government could ever dream of. Its sad really, you seem like an intelligent person who is very poorly educated.

wkmak- While I agree with a lot of what you say, you can be assured that ron will not win the republican nomination. Polls have proven that americans do not buy into the cut and run policies supported by him and the democrats that believe the same. Ron barley registers in most polls for Iowa, SC, and NH. He will not be nominated.


Well-Known Member
Apparently someone slept through economics 101. The incentive for profits are what drives business. If UPS decides they cannot earn a profit you and I will be out of a job. With the pressures of competition, government regulation, and other costs turning a profit can sometimes be a daunting task. Despite what you believe the drive for profit is how free enterprise can accomplish tasks more efficiently than government could ever dream of. Its sad really, you seem like an intelligent person who is very poorly educated.

It's apparent Brett you have a brash one track mind thats comparable to a text book know it all "Young Republican" schoolboy fresh out of class who thinks he's got all the answers. Apparently, you'll keep making excuses and strawman arguments that our economy and well being is swell, and based solely on BIG BUSINESS profits at all costs without Gov't interference. Ignoring the harmful effects it's having on the middle-class and the core of the nation. Ignoring the fact that we're on the brink (if not already there) of a reccession. With the cost of living increasing, and our wages and jobs deteriorating, the consumer spending base is shrinking, the profits that BIG BUSINESS are targeting are declining day by day as long as your Reagon'omic and Bush implemented policies are in place. "Right-wing politics" hazardous and costly to society virtually across-the-board.

Good jobs being exported are but part of a large problem. America is totally being destroyed for the sake of BIG BUSINESS profits! BIG BUSINESS lust for profits has already destroyed the Healthcare and Insurance Ind, Homebuilding, Farming (except for big corporate farms), and many other industries. I am tired of going into the grocery store and seeing all the foreign fruits, and vegetables when I know there are struggling American farmers. BIG BUSINSS has also managed through tort reform, to take away our basic Constitutional rights by not allowing us use of the courts and forcing us into expensive arbitration, with a low chance of judgement against a BIG BUSINESS. BIG BUSINESS is also using bullying tactics to prevent people from having freedom of speech. They manage to take down websites and silence through the legal system.. We are not free. Where is our government to help the people they are to be representing? The rudeness by some of the (Brett-like) Right wing rep's towards American citizens who speak up is inexcusable. I suppose when you have your security at hand and pockets lined by BIG BUSINESS, the citizens are not important. Although I don't need the government to take care of my health, there is no excuse for people in the USA to be dying because some BIG BUSINESS for profit insurance company was too greedy to care. Maybe we should all start insisting to speak with an American when we get transfered to India? I can't always understand their speech. But your too damm concerned with contributing immigrants speaking spanish here in the U.S.... Wake up America!(That means you Brett) We need to take back our government...they are being bought off by BIG BUSINESS PROFITS!!!!!!
Exposing the "con" in conservatives


Well-Known Member
wkmak- you can be assured that ron will not win the republican nomination. He will not be nominated.

WOW! I sure wish I'd thought of that some time ago and expressed that very thought in this forum!

It does sound familiar, could I have already said that? Surely not!

:wink2: To those who get it!



Well-Known Member
WOW! I sure wish I'd thought of that some time ago and expressed that very thought in this forum!

It does sound familiar, could I have already said that? Surely not!

:wink2: To those who get it!


Your last few posts seem to lean towards hoping for the possiblity of a rupaul presidential nomination. I enjoy reading your middle of the road stance on just about everything, but I would hate to see you get false hope of a radical anti-war president on our horizons. :happy-very:


Well-Known Member
It's apparent Brett you have a brash one track mind thats comparable to a text book know it all "Young Republican" schoolboy fresh out of class who thinks he's got all the answers. Apparently, you'll keep making excuses and strawman arguments that our economy and well being is swell, and based solely on BIG BUSINESS profits at all costs without Gov't interference. Ignoring the harmful effects it's having on the middle-class and the core of the nation. Ignoring the fact that we're on the brink (if not already there) of a reccession. With the cost of living increasing, and our wages and jobs deteriorating, the consumer spending base is shrinking, the profits that BIG BUSINESS are targeting are declining day by day as long as your Reagon'omic and Bush implemented policies are in place. "Right-wing politics" hazardous and costly to society virtually across-the-board.

Good jobs being exported are but part of a large problem. America is totally being destroyed for the sake of BIG BUSINESS profits! BIG BUSINESS lust for profits has already destroyed the Healthcare and Insurance Ind, Homebuilding, Farming (except for big corporate farms), and many other industries. I am tired of going into the grocery store and seeing all the foreign fruits, and vegetables when I know there are struggling American farmers. BIG BUSINSS has also managed through tort reform, to take away our basic Constitutional rights by not allowing us use of the courts and forcing us into expensive arbitration, with a low chance of judgement against a BIG BUSINESS. BIG BUSINESS is also using bullying tactics to prevent people from having freedom of speech. They manage to take down websites and silence through the legal system.. We are not free. Where is our government to help the people they are to be representing? The rudeness by some of the (Brett-like) Right wing rep's towards American citizens who speak up is inexcusable. I suppose when you have your security at hand and pockets lined by BIG BUSINESS, the citizens are not important. Although I don't need the government to take care of my health, there is no excuse for people in the USA to be dying because some BIG BUSINESS for profit insurance company was too greedy to care. Maybe we should all start insisting to speak with an American when we get transfered to India? I can't always understand their speech. But your too damm concerned with contributing immigrants speaking spanish here in the U.S.... Wake up America!(That means you Brett) We need to take back our government...they are being bought off by BIG BUSINESS PROFITS!!!!!!
Exposing the "con" in conservatives

Its posts like this where you expose nothing except for how radically left you truly are. I believe what I believe because there are numerous real world examples of free enterprise improving people's lives through one way or another. You sound like a true communist labeling any business that is good at what they do as evil and corrupt. I will not say all business is good, but a majority of them are. The pressures of staying competitive and turning a profit forces businesses to constantly do things better and more efficient. Its when government steps in thinking it knows better is when things begin to get screwed up. No system is perfect, but relying on a government for your every need has been proven over and over again to be the worst possible form of government out there. Even communist China has figured out that free markets are more efficient than government controlled markets.

In regards to your last couple of statements regarding the contributions of spanish speaking immigrants, I really have a tough time believing that even you think that is the issue. Maybe your government run utopia fantasy blinds you from the fact that people who have broken laws to get here do not deserve to be here or receive government services. There is nothing wrong with people migrating to our country as it is the best in the world, but they should do so following the legal process already established. If not, then they deserve to be kicked back to whatever hell hole they came from.


Well-Known Member
Congressman Ron Paul First Presidential Candidate To Cross Writers’ Picket Line - 12/05/07

By Jesse Russell
Congressman Ron Paul became the first Presidential candidate to cross the picket line of striking Hollywood writers. The Republican candidate for the 2008 nomination crossed the line so he could appear on ABC show "The View". The writers are into the third week of their strike. Michelle Obama, the wife of Democratic nominee, Barack Obama, had been scheduled to guest host on December 5, but canceled her appearance in order to respect the striking workers. Both John and Elizabeth Edwards have also canceled their scheduled appearances.

He is no friend to labor. He is a libertarian who thinks corporate America is the answer to everything. If you think that's true than you have bigger problems.


Well-Known Member
Your last few posts seem to lean towards hoping for the possiblity of a rupaul presidential nomination. I enjoy reading your middle of the road stance on just about everything, but I would hate to see you get false hope of a radical anti-war president on our horizons. :happy-very:

No false hopes here. I'm just playing on over emotional fears and having fun doing it. It would be fun to see Hillary elected just to watch many of you guys go suicidal. The republican party has all but abandoned the core values it had that took them to the White House in 1980'. History tells us now that in many cases, the 1980' run was loaded with false words and as a result, being there were no true core values, the repubs. over time having no principles falling prey to Satan's temptation and took the bite of power from the fruit of the tree and so has fallen from grace. Maybe Hillary's Lilith can bring the so-called conservative movement to the low ebb of Job's misery so as to once again grasp the truth and restore itself to the grace of it's true message. Shame they didn't maintain their faith as Job did!

The beauty of Ron Paul is the level of discontent with the 2 parties and I'd also include Mike Gravel in similar mold to Ron but on the democratic side. Neither of these men have a chance but what I do hope is that they decide to merge forces like Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader should have as an independent force and do all they can to scuttle the elections for the 2 tyranny parties that rule this country.

Thomas Jefferson once said, "Every generation needs a new revolution" and in many respects he was so right. In his time, revolution generally meant some form of violence which lead to bloodshed but we have a mechanism today where revolt can be bloodless and peaceful but the 2 powers that be know this so they control it to keep power for themselves.

It's past time good people stood up and stepped outside the box in order to revolt and it doesn't take a majority but in our world today so driven by ideals of the 51% majority, all one has to do is take away enough votes denying a clear majority to either side and it's as good as a rifle bullet. In fact, it's the best kind because no one requires the services of a doctor or undertaker.

I'll leave you with some interesting quotes from Mr. Jefferson:

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.

Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.

Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Conquest is not in our principles. It is inconsistent with our government.

Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Congressman Ron Paul First Presidential Candidate To Cross Writers’ Picket Line - 12/05/07

By Jesse Russell
Congressman Ron Paul became the first Presidential candidate to cross the picket line of striking Hollywood writers. The Republican candidate for the 2008 nomination crossed the line so he could appear on ABC show "The View". The writers are into the third week of their strike. Michelle Obama, the wife of Democratic nominee, Barack Obama, had been scheduled to guest host on December 5, but canceled her appearance in order to respect the striking workers. Both John and Elizabeth Edwards have also canceled their scheduled appearances.

He is no friend to labor. He is a libertarian who thinks corporate America is the answer to everything. If you think that's true than you have bigger problems.

You're right, he's no friend of labor. He would destroy all labor, root it out of our country for the evil it is, kill it with all his might. He hates labor so much that he'd pass a law outlawing anyone from committing labor!

Come to think of it, I know some union folks who would love that law because it would legalize what they are doing every day already!




Well-Known Member
Its posts like this where you expose nothing except for how radically left you truly are. I believe what I believe because there are numerous real world examples of free enterprise improving people's lives through one way or another. You sound like a true communist labeling any business that is good at what they do as evil and corrupt. I will not say all business is good, but a majority of them are. The pressures of staying competitive and turning a profit forces businesses to constantly do things better and more efficient. Its when government steps in thinking it knows better is when things begin to get screwed up. No system is perfect, but relying on a government for your every need has been proven over and over again to be the worst possible form of government out there. Even communist China has figured out that free markets are more efficient than government controlled markets.

Yeah, we disagree alright. However the difference between us is this tyipical right-wing rhetoric of labeling people who diagree with your views. You obvisously missed the point that I'm in favor of a mixed economy. We've generally been operating at two-thirds free ent. to one-third public. As In recent years, consumers have voiced concerns about product safety, environmental threats posed by certain industrial practices,monopolies / anti-trust laws and potential health risks citizens may face; government has responded by creating agencies to protect consumer interests and promote the general public welfare. As to what ratio or percentage the mixed economy should operate and who should or should not be regulated should be the debate. So instead of insulting people's inteligence, try making a case without labeling. ( in your own words) "poorly-educated", "uninformed voters","radical lefts", "corperate hater","communist","relying on Gov't for your every need","your gov't run utopia fantasy, etc... Nobody is trying to suppress our free market or impliment a social economy so relax and stop being so overbearing.


Well-Known Member
You're right, he's no friend of labor. He would destroy all labor, root it out of our country for the evil it is, kill it with all his might. He hates labor so much that he'd pass a law outlawing anyone from committing labor!

Come to think of it, I know some union folks who would love that law because it would legalize what they are doing every day already!



Wow where do you work??? The only people I know that don't do labor at UPS are management.


Well-Known Member
Wow where do you work??? The only people I know that don't do labor at UPS are management.

And just where in the world did you get the idea I work at UPS? I'd like to see such proof or did you just make a grand assumption?

Besides, how hard do you really work there

