Well-Known Member
A somewhat surprising and interesting Ron Paul endorsement:
And just where in the world did you get the idea I work at UPS? I'd like to see such proof or did you just make a grand assumption?
Besides, how hard do you really work there
I did my years of working hard and have the sore back to prove it. My seniority was able to get me an easier job and I took it. Work smart not hard thats how you make the EZ Money.
So if you don't work at UPS why are you here???? Are you a union hater who just wants to rip on working people?
I'm lead lawyer in a major union busting law firm! You mean you didn't know that? You do now!
Getting back to Ron Paul, I just found these 2 diddies today.
It's apparent Brett you have a brash one track mind thats comparable to a text book know it all "Young Republican" schoolboy fresh out of class who thinks he's got all the answers. Apparently, you'll keep making excuses and strawman arguments that our economy and well being is swell, and based solely on BIG BUSINESS profits at all costs without Gov't interference. Ignoring the harmful effects it's having on the middle-class and the core of the nation. Ignoring the fact that we're on the brink (if not already there) of a reccession. With the cost of living increasing, and our wages and jobs deteriorating, the consumer spending base is shrinking, the profits that BIG BUSINESS are targeting are declining day by day as long as your Reagon'omic and Bush implemented policies are in place. "Right-wing politics" hazardous and costly to society virtually across-the-board.
Good jobs being exported are but part of a large problem. America is totally being destroyed for the sake of BIG BUSINESS profits! BIG BUSINESS lust for profits has already destroyed the Healthcare and Insurance Ind, Homebuilding, Farming (except for big corporate farms), and many other industries. I am tired of going into the grocery store and seeing all the foreign fruits, and vegetables when I know there are struggling American farmers. BIG BUSINSS has also managed through tort reform, to take away our basic Constitutional rights by not allowing us use of the courts and forcing us into expensive arbitration, with a low chance of judgement against a BIG BUSINESS. BIG BUSINESS is also using bullying tactics to prevent people from having freedom of speech. They manage to take down websites and silence through the legal system.. We are not free. Where is our government to help the people they are to be representing? The rudeness by some of the (Brett-like) Right wing rep's towards American citizens who speak up is inexcusable. I suppose when you have your security at hand and pockets lined by BIG BUSINESS, the citizens are not important. Although I don't need the government to take care of my health, there is no excuse for people in the USA to be dying because some BIG BUSINESS for profit insurance company was too greedy to care. Maybe we should all start insisting to speak with an American when we get transfered to India? I can't always understand their speech. But your too damm concerned with contributing immigrants speaking spanish here in the U.S.... Wake up America!(That means you Brett) We need to take back our government...they are being bought off by BIG BUSINESS PROFITS!!!!!!
Exposing the "con" in conservatives
let me guess the one that represents the APWA????
Go figure.
Figured it out I see!
This could get interesting way beyond Ron Paul!
Is Rove secretly working for Hillary now?
I feel Gore and Kerry's pain.
No laughing matter though
Although the Rove bit was pretty funny.