golden ticket member
That guy out in the Mojave desert has updated and freshly painted his Ron Paul 2012 sign!! It's been there since before anyone heard of Ron Paul.I'm 57 and I love Ron Paul. I wish he could win the Repub nomination.
That guy out in the Mojave desert has updated and freshly painted his Ron Paul 2012 sign!! It's been there since before anyone heard of Ron Paul.I'm 57 and I love Ron Paul. I wish he could win the Repub nomination.
Latest poll in Iowa shows Ron Paul the only GOP contender who would beat Obama in a head to head match up.
For those who hold the "Anybody But Obama" position and yet fear Ron Paul, especially on the foreign policy front, if the above poll numbers continue to hold up with the other GOP contenders while Paul continues to gain strength, you may find yourself in a real interesting dilemma.
Will you hold to the ideal of "ABO" and go with the best horse or will you stick with another GOP contender that the polls show is a loser head to head with Obama? Poor little redstaters!
I wonder how many people were polled?Latest poll in Iowa shows Ron Paul the only GOP contender who would beat Obama in a head to head match up.
For those who hold the "Anybody But Obama" position and yet fear Ron Paul, especially on the foreign policy front, if the above poll numbers continue to hold up with the other GOP contenders while Paul continues to gain strength, you may find yourself in a real interesting dilemma.
Will you hold to the ideal of "ABO" and go with the best horse or will you stick with another GOP contender that the polls show is a loser head to head with Obama? Poor little redstaters!
IMO. the best thing about Paul is his consistency. I like many of his ideas and dislike some as well. However, I have found that any candidate that I agree with 100% is probably lying.
Donald has a temper. Maybe he'll get mad and chew them all out.I can't wait to see that "one-episode" reality show I'll call the Donald Trump debate. I'm sure that will clear up the picture for the primary!!
In all honesty......after watching the side-show these people have been putting on......I've come to the conclusion that the only candidate that makes any sense and hasn't become a laughing stock is Huntsman. While I don't agree with some of his stances......he, at least, has been carrying himself as a level-headed and not too radical candidate. Therefore, I don't give him much of a chance.
The article calls it unlikely sources? I think that falls into the "whodathunkit" category.
What I'm having trouble with is if Paul was elected and indeed cuts the agencies he says, what are all the people going to do without jobs? I'm already on record for believing we have way too many public sector employees but they have to have somewhere to go.
Well that's answers everything.I guess that is conservative economics: when the private sector will not or cannot hire, lets add to the problem by laying off hundreds of thousands of govt workers. Is this 2011 or 1931??