ron paul.


Nine Lives
while this seems to make have to stop and think it through. While I agree that Govt. can be too big and can have their hands into things they probably shouldn' can't just shut it off.

Take roads and the infrastructure that goes with it (bridges, tunnels, etc.). If you turn it over to private ownership, where is the incentive to keep up with repairs? Does every road become a toll road? In this age of greed do the tolls keep going up to raise profit margins for the inevitable stockholders?

If you think that the only role for government to play is defense of the country....where does the money come from to outfit and keep a standing military if not by taxation? And to that point....why not just be a collection of 50 small countries? Each fending for themselves. No need for a federal government at all. Will see how long "liberty and justice for all" lasts under that scenario.

Those that want to see government reigned in and held accountable to those that elect them. Those that want to see the greed and fraud removed and dealt with.....hey, I'm with you. But, those that want government whittled down to nothing......well, they better be careful what they wish for!

Good post and I like the thought put into your reply. It sounds like you don't really disagree with Ron but you are wary of what he will do.

Roads and infrastructure - I have ridden over 7000 miles of tollways in the past 2 years and the tollways (typically run by private companies) were generally in much, much better shape than free government roads. Private companies will keep the roads in good, safe shape if they face fines or lawsuits due to negligence.

Ron does not say he wants to get rid of the military but rather stick to the constitutional charge to protect the borders of our country and provide self-defense. I also don't think Ron has mentioned eliminating all taxes.
Taxes levied for the true Constitutional responsibilities of the National government are not on the cut list.

Ron is from Texas where they have the lowest state taxes but at the same time, the least state government provided services. Massachusetts on the other hand has some of the highest taxes and highest levels of government provided services. The migration of people into and out of these states along with the other states will help to create an equilibrium of what taxpayers want to pay for if the National government did not take from one state and give to another.

And as Ron said, Elizabeth Warren is a Socialist, albeit a Democratic Socialist is a more apt title.


Well-Known Member
Here is one point of view on de-nationalizing and into Free Market solutions written by economist Walter Block. It's not the only idea but one of many.

BTW: If you watch the documentary "Taken For a Ride" you'll realize our means of transportation today was by no means a naturally occurring market but rather one manipulated for a certain outcome. We need to put all the cards back on the table with total transparency and all information in full sunlight and then have a conversation about the way forward.


free at last.......
Good post and I like the thought put into your reply. It sounds like you don't really disagree with Ron but you are wary of what he will do.

Roads and infrastructure - I have ridden over 7000 miles of tollways in the past 2 years and the tollways (typically run by private companies) were generally in much, much better shape than free government roads. Private companies will keep the roads in good, safe shape if they face fines or lawsuits due to negligence.

Ron does not say he wants to get rid of the military but rather stick to the constitutional charge to protect the borders of our country and provide self-defense. I also don't think Ron has mentioned eliminating all taxes.
Taxes levied for the true Constitutional responsibilities of the National government are not on the cut list.

Ron is from Texas where they have the lowest state taxes but at the same time, the least state government provided services. Massachusetts on the other hand has some of the highest taxes and highest levels of government provided services. The migration of people into and out of these states along with the other states will help to create an equilibrium of what taxpayers want to pay for if the National government did not take from one state and give to another.

And as Ron said, Elizabeth Warren is a Socialist, albeit a Democratic Socialist is a more apt title.

I do agree (at least in theory) with a lot of Pauls views. The problem is that we live in a time where greed has taken the place of common sense.

Recently I heard someone of wealth (and I can't remember who) say that 'with wealth comes great responsibility'. While some with money subscribe to that, the expanding majority do not only not want to take responsibility....they want to amass more wealth without concern for the long term consequences of their actions. When greed is the driving force in peoples lives and it becomes more and more widespread......there is little that government can do to stop it.

The world today is a far cry from the world I grew up in. My formative years were spent in the 60s. It, by no means, was a perfect world and some things have changed for the better. But overall (save for the inequalities some faced), it was a far better world then than it is today.



Well-Known Member
I can say with a nearly 99.9999999999% of certainty that Ron Paul will not be the nominee for President of the United States. He says a lot of good things until he begins in on foreign policy than you realize he is just a dangerous nutcase if he were to get any real political power.


golden ticket member
In the debate, I thought he was going to stroke out when he talked about foreign policy.

And his appearance on Leno didn't help. I view him as a forever candidate like Nader was.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul, a Force for Peace

Posted on December 20, 2011 by Lew Rockwell
Writes leftie icon Tom Hayden:
"Iowa polling for now shows Rep. Ron Paul leading the Republican pack. Peace and justice advocates should re-examine the profound establishment demonizing of Paul’s 'isolationism' and realize that the Congressman represents a genuine strain of opposition to empire – in the long tradition of populism and progressivism, Robert LaFoillette and Mark Twain.
"Yes, Paul’s classic libertarianism leads him to seriously retro positions, like the right of private lunch-counter owners in the Sixties to deny service to anyone. For that reason alone, I would vote for Barack Obama over Paul in a general election.
"But we are talking about Iowa here, about keeping Paul’s voice alive through the Republican primaries. Progressives and Democrats should want Barack Obama to feel compelled to pursue Ron Paul voters and organizers in the general campaign ahead. That is why many young people, independents and peace Democrats – even Occupy supporters - are considering voting in the Iowa primary for Paul.
"Paul opposes the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. He opposes the empire of military bases. He opposes Wall Street thievery, tax subsidies for oil companies, the suppression of WikiLeaks, the drug war and the criminalization of marijuana. Those positions might just save America."


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul walks out of CNN interview....................

Ace of Spades HQ

Thats an excellent example of liberal media bias. When Ron stated that he had not read those statements in his newsletters the reporter kept pushing him on the issue anyway. When Obama said he had never heard such incendiary language from his hate spewing preacher the media threw up their hands and said "Well that explains it all!" and moved on.


Nine Lives

I like this show and Cenk as well as the whole Current News network. One of the few places on TV you can get some true reporting on political news.

They admit they are libs but then they actually report the news with a few inevitable holier than though lib remarks thrown in.