Nine Lives
while this seems to make have to stop and think it through. While I agree that Govt. can be too big and can have their hands into things they probably shouldn' can't just shut it off.
Take roads and the infrastructure that goes with it (bridges, tunnels, etc.). If you turn it over to private ownership, where is the incentive to keep up with repairs? Does every road become a toll road? In this age of greed do the tolls keep going up to raise profit margins for the inevitable stockholders?
If you think that the only role for government to play is defense of the country....where does the money come from to outfit and keep a standing military if not by taxation? And to that point....why not just be a collection of 50 small countries? Each fending for themselves. No need for a federal government at all. Will see how long "liberty and justice for all" lasts under that scenario.
Those that want to see government reigned in and held accountable to those that elect them. Those that want to see the greed and fraud removed and dealt with.....hey, I'm with you. But, those that want government whittled down to nothing......well, they better be careful what they wish for!
Good post and I like the thought put into your reply. It sounds like you don't really disagree with Ron but you are wary of what he will do.
Roads and infrastructure - I have ridden over 7000 miles of tollways in the past 2 years and the tollways (typically run by private companies) were generally in much, much better shape than free government roads. Private companies will keep the roads in good, safe shape if they face fines or lawsuits due to negligence.
Ron does not say he wants to get rid of the military but rather stick to the constitutional charge to protect the borders of our country and provide self-defense. I also don't think Ron has mentioned eliminating all taxes.
Taxes levied for the true Constitutional responsibilities of the National government are not on the cut list.
Ron is from Texas where they have the lowest state taxes but at the same time, the least state government provided services. Massachusetts on the other hand has some of the highest taxes and highest levels of government provided services. The migration of people into and out of these states along with the other states will help to create an equilibrium of what taxpayers want to pay for if the National government did not take from one state and give to another.
And as Ron said, Elizabeth Warren is a Socialist, albeit a Democratic Socialist is a more apt title.