Good! I'm glad your center has a steward like that. It is low down and dirty for anyone to select a vacation week (no matter what week of the year it is) and then come in to work. Not to mention a contract violation. In my supplement anyway. It has been a problem in my center in the past and (unfortunately) the stewards had always been part of the problem too. Toss a little bit of the " high seniority good ole boy system" into the mix and that made it a tough problem to tackle. Luckily a couple of us lower seniority drivers, along with a few high seniority drivers that don't have their heads and egos as high into the clouds as they think their name on the seniority list is, were able to stop it. There were a hand full of seniority drivers that just couldn't believe (utterly shocked even) that anyone with lower seniority then them would file a grievance (actually all we had to do was threaten to file) to stop the violation of the contract that their spoiled brat syndrome induced egos were allowing them to commit.
I have to admit that after helping stop this I felt a sense of accomplishment that I hadn't felt in years.